Who are you? DmC. Nephilim. Ryzen 3 2200g. デビル メイ クライ

6 months ago

While so many hate this game, Remember that Devil May Cry was content originally made for Resident Evil. So this is a different take had DMC been a new project. (The creator wanted to explore what DmC could have been if it was not based/from Resident Evil.) I like the story where they show beautiful things only to be exposed as lies when you are in Limbo. So true in our real world. DmC Chapter 01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hWHseiedOY

How Dante puts on clothes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUweiSy7tFA

#DmC #funny #gaming APUGaming SteamController ActionAdventure HackAndSlash デビル メイ クライ NoGPU Ryzen32200g AMDStock DevilMayCry PCGames Steam SteamGame SteamGames ParallelUniverse NinjaTheory Capcom ActionAdventureGame ActionAdventureGames HackAndSlashGames OfflineGames OfflineGame Dante TonyRedgrave Kat Vergil Nephilim Sparda Mundus Lilith Eva LimboCity Limbo VergilsDownfall PlayStation3 XBox360 MicrosoftWindowsGames Permainan Gameplay LetsPlay ビデオゲーム Ryzen3 NoGraphicsCard UnrealEngine3 TameemAntoniades MotohideEshiro YoheiUchida AlexJones StuartAdcock AlessandroTaini AlexGarland Noisia Combichrist PlayStation4 PCMasterRace PCGamer PCGamers PC PCGame PCGameplay PCPlayer PCGamesForLowEndPC PCGaming BudgetGaming BudgetGamer BudgetPC BudgetPCBuild BudgetGamingPCBuild BudgetPCBuild BudgetGamingPC LowEnd LowEndGaming LowEndGamer LowEndGames LowEndGame LowEndDevice LowEndPC LowEndPCPlayer LowEndDevicePlayer LowEndDevicePlayers LowSpecsGaming LowSpecPC LowSpecs LowSpecGamer LowSpecGames LowSpecPCGames LowSpecsExperience APU AcceleratedProcessingUnit AcceleratedProcessingUnitGaming GirlGamer GirlGamers GirlGaming Shorts

P: August 28,2024 9:38AM

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