Crystalline, Frequency, Nesara_Gesara, Future of DC, Pleiades, UK, AU, Your Soul

5 months ago

6:06 Crystallia spoke of changes in our bodies, frequencies, and crystalline energies.

23:17 Albayon spoke about huge transformations in DC. The IRS & Fed Reserve are gone, all is in the treasury. Many buildings will come down, it will be a park.

58:25 Brysentia speaks about the Pleiades, different species, your soul, and more.

16:36 Question Crystallia: Will we have to wait until 2025 for the final ascension of Earth and humanity as told by Arc Angel Michael to David Wilcock?

18:51 Question Crystallia: What is your take on Toxic Positivity?

44:13 Question Albayon: When will we be receiving FREE energy/electricity for everyone in the us?

44:60 Question Albayon: I just had a stent placed in one of my coronary artieries. I have read that STATINS are not really effective Please comment

47:11 Question Albayon: We in the UK are being attacked from all places - things have never been so bad and we feel that the dark side has full control. How long will it take to get us out of this?
Elderly are being targeted and will lose the winter fuel payments. We feel there will be a lot more riots and people leaving the planet in the winter.

52:02 Question Albayon: We keep hearing from different sources to get our money out of 401K/IRA and put it in gold/Silver. If we don't we will lose alot of our money. What can you tell us about this?

55:58 Question Albayon: Are the feline looking beings from the planet Lyran decendents of the Lions from the planet Leo?

1:06:50 Question Brysentia: If I want to read a classic literature from 1800-s, will it lower my vibration? If yes, then how to learn the language of those years?

1:10:03 Question Brysentia: How could i know that a part of my soul is from The Pleiadeans ?

1:13:57 Question Brysentia: Are we already working on roads to have hovering cars?

1:15:16 Question Brysentia: Did your race have any history of being abducted by other beings?

Question Brysentia: Can you see the future in your dreams?

Question Brysentia: Are there tons of walk ins and/or fractals of ascended masters incoming into bodies on earth?

1:23:10 Question Brysentia: Will the votings machines work in the Novemeber election?

1:24:10 Question Brysentia: Can you speak of what is happening in Australia at the moment?

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