Kali Linux Tools - WiFi-autopwner. Penetration test

5 months ago

In this video, we'll look at installing and working with a script that is designed to search for and audit wireless networks with a weak level of protection. This tool is called WiFi-autopwner. The functionality of this tool is searching for open Wi-Fi networks, searching for and trying to break into networks with WEP encryption, searching for points with WPS enabled, conducting an attack using Pixie Dust, and finally collecting handshake from each network that are within reach. Modules you can use both individually and all at the same time. Each of them has a waiting time, so the probability of getting confused is minimal. The tool has dependencies in working with programs like Aircrack, reaver, pixiewps, и zizzania, so if something from this list does not exist, you may need to install it.

Download link: https://github.com/Mi-Al/WiFi-autopwner


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