Part 1: What If You're More Powerful Than You Know?

6 months ago

*Apologies for the tech issue with Annette's video. Hopefully you'll still find this episode helpful*

It’s the nature of a narcissist to drain your sense of power from you. They feel more powerful themselves when they know they’ve robbed you of yours.

Even when you’ve made it out of that narcissistic relationship, the sense of powerlessness you feel or can be triggered into doesn’t just reverse itself.

Those feelings of being weak, drained, less than, insecure, and like damaged goods can linger with us for a long time.

No doubt we fight against it. But the very fact that we’re constantly fighting against this is in of itself something that reinforces our belief that we really have lost our power.

Be aware that our spiritual enemy lurks around the edges of our life looking for ways to reinforce the message conditioned into you that you are lacking in real power.

But this week we want to challenge you to consider if that belief is really nothing but a straw man using the echoes of the past narcissist to intimidate you.

What if you’re far, far more powerful than you know?

I spent a little time brainstorming on this topic. In a matter of minutes I came up with 20 ways we can wield our power.

This week we’re going to look at 5 of those ways and how you can begin exercising power in each.


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