It is a matter of the HEART

1 month ago

What lives in our heart can push its way into our mind and out through our words. Many times, we have no idea what is still rotting in our hearts and needs to be purged. It can be as easy as an apology, talking to GOD about it, praying for clarity or surrendering things you are holding on to that you are shameful or feeling guilty about. God wants us to have a pure heart. To be free of the poisons that create toxic emotions and actions. Is it time to look at your heart? What are you holding on to? Unforgiveness, bitterness, anger? Are you holding back MERCY, GRACE, or LOVE to someone? They might not even know you feel that way...and it is polluting your mind, actions and relationship with GOD. This needs to be removed, like a malignancy that keeps growing and spreading disease. A pure, clean, pliable heart is where it starts. Who can you forgive today? Maybe it is yourself... GOD BLESS

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