Don’t Stop Praying

27 days ago

When public prayer and private prayer was removed from public school, many religious people's response was, "There will always be prayer in school as long as there are tests." The reason for that is that people usually pray when there's a felt need, and the stronger the felt need, the more fervent the prayer. So for instance, even in a combat situation when it gets hot and heavy, many agnostics or even atheists who are unsure or convinced there's no God will reach out and pray that God might save them or keep them from harm.

We tend to pray with there is felt needs. However, the Bible suggests that we pray more than that, and it also tells us how to be effective in that prayer and how God helps us. So I would ask you to come and listen to what the Bible says about prayer and how to be effective.

Sermon Notes
1 Thessalonians 5:17 & 18 Do not stop praying
James 4:3 Don’t get because ask with wrong motives
Romans 8:26 & 27When we do not know how to pray the Spirit does it for us because it intercedes according to the will of God
Matthew 6:9 – 13 The Lord’s teaching on prayer

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