Mind-blowing what BTC does to your brain | Jason Hagenow

5 months ago

By making the mental mind shift to Bitcoin as a unit of account, he is providing a great incentive to his tenants. Love what he is doing, and where his Bitcoin passion is coming from.

Where to store your Bitcoin? I personally use a BitBox!
- Get a 5% Discount with code "ROBIN"
- visit: https://robinbtc.link/bitbox

Ever visited the best Bitcoin-only conference? Come join me at BTC Prague!
- Get a 10% discount with code "ROBIN"
- or visit: ⁠https://robinbtc.link/Prague

Where to buy Bitcoin? I personally use 21bitcoin!
- Save fees with my code "ROBIN"
- or visit: ⁠https://robinbtc.link/21bitcoin

Guest's contact: https://twitter.com/jshagenow

Podcast also available on:
- X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/robinseyr
- Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/at/podcast/robin-seyr/id1719117707
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6r6NwbzxBL8wnuIuqBA3ED?si=2975b072dc5e46b6


In this conversation, Jason Hagenow shares his experience with his first Bitcoin transaction and how his view of Bitcoin has evolved over the past few years. He discusses the importance of doing thorough research and learning from mistakes in the altcoin market. Jason also talks about his shift in mindset towards valuing businesses and property in Bitcoin terms. He shares his plans to speak at an event about Bitcoin and property management, as well as his incentive structure for residents to pay rent in Bitcoin. Jason envisions a future where the real estate market transitions to a Bitcoin standard. Jason Hagenow discusses the potential of using Bitcoin in the real estate industry and its impact on the economy. He suggests a methodical transition to Bitcoin, rather than a sudden shift, to avoid chaos. He believes that Bitcoin can make housing more affordable and help solve homelessness in the long run. However, he acknowledges the concern of wealth consolidation and emphasizes the importance of distributing Bitcoin to as many people as possible. He compares Bitcoin to the Highlander, stating that it will be the only way to communicate value in the future.


00:00 First Bitcoin Transaction and Shifting Views
02:38 Bitcoin's Impact on Altcoins and Learning from Losses
05:40 The Ever-Evolving Bitcoin and Continuous Learning
10:06 Valuing Businesses in Bitcoin Terms and Property Management
17:55 Speaking Engagement on Bitcoin and Property Management
19:47 Incentivizing Rent Payment in Bitcoin
20:46 The Future of Bitcoin and Property Management
28:26 Encouraging Bitcoin Adoption in the Real Estate Market
29:49 The Potential Impact of a Bitcoin Standard on Real Estate
32:58 A Methodical Transition to a Bitcoin Standard
35:42 Bitcoin's Role in Making Housing More Affordable
43:33 Bitcoin and the Enforced Free Market
54:37 The Redistribution of Bitcoin Wealth over Time

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