Behind the scenes of running Volkswagen Bug Mechanic Shop | Chris Vallone @classicvwbugs | EP 37

6 months ago

Chris Vallone, born and raised in Rockland County NY, and has two passions: the world of cinema and classic VWs. Chris has been a indie film producer for the past 12 years and has produced ten films to date. Indie production company was BrightEyeFilms. Beetles came into Vallone’s life back in summer 1999. He bought a ’71 Super Beetle vert on impulse and has never looked back.

But it wasn’t until he bought a rusty ’68 sedan in 2002 where for the first time go through a full resto on a bug. From there he found a great new hobby of finding VWs and restoring them back to their historical beauty. Chris has now combined his film making skills and his VW hobby into a full fledged business, working with his father full-time.

Chris Vallone has inspired tens of thousands of people with his creative yet down to earth style. He has generated a Global Following with his Vintage Classic VW Bug restorations and his “How to Restoration Video tips” on the web. He earns his living from the Internet and he works full-time restoring VWs & educating others how to restore/repair their own.
On today’s episode of Kingdom Heir’s, we talk to Chris Vallone about how he got into restoring Classic VW Bugs, some of his biggest projects, and what do you do when you’ve hit a certain level of success.

Connect with Chris Vallone here:

00:00 - Beginning
03:40 - How did you get into restoring Volkswagen Bugs?
07:00 - Restoring Jerry Seinfeld’s bug
12:00 - Notable bug restorations
20:00 - When should you retire?
29:00 - How to teach the younger generations skills of the trade
38:00 - How to build a following on the internet
43:00 - How to raise up the next generation of men right
58:00 - Why we shouldn’t forget our elders

Know someone who’d be a good fit for the podcast? Send them our way in the comments!

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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

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