Sperm Whale Swimming Up to Snorkelers

6 months ago

Everyone in our village is very aware that we have Sperm Whales offshore, this is the only video evidence our local residents have ever been fortunate enough to produce.
At approximately 35 miles from Drake Bay's coastline, the ocean's depth dramatically goes from around 350 feet deep to more than a mile. Along the dramatic drop of this sharp ledge, mother sperm whales teach their young to hunt. The calves can practice diving at the shallower depths while progressively striving to eventually achieve the great depths of their elders.
On this lucky day, one of the mamas found us interesting enough to come over and check us out. The clicks she made, during this upload, produced vibrations felt throughout our bodies. The clicks were so powerful that the friction made all of our bodies instantly feel warmed up.
Oh yeah, additionally, this upload also contains ≥28 other species swimming around. We can sum them up as just a little icing to put on top of our amazing cake-of-a-day.
-Recreating David Attenborough’s Blue Planet Trilogy Series-
-Yeah, it’s just as much fun as it appears to be
So come along and count some species with us.
Then, do me a favor and drop the total you discover in our comments section, below.

If I personally spent every day of my life in the jungle, I’d die a happy man. But the ocean is absolutely my favorite. And, though coastal snorkelling here is amazing, we would all love to do lots more group trips, both offshore and out to the island. Unfortunately, long boating adventures become expensive rather quickly. Still, we are absolutely grateful for the trips that we have enjoyed together and, if I do say so myself, the videos that we’ve produced are unreal. None of us take credit for them though. All credit should go to this amazing location. We’re simply pressing the RECORD button.
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Cheers, and Safe Journeys!

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