Basis of the Second coming Part 5 - Coffee with Jesus Podcast

5 months ago

Basis of the Second Coming: Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord...

In this episode of *Coffee with Jesus, we delve into the profound scriptural insights from Matthew 23, focusing on the pivotal moments leading to the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus' lament over Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37 reflects His deep yearning to protect and gather His people under His wings, a desire tragically unfulfilled due to their rejection of Him. This rejection had dire consequences, as Jesus prophesied the desolation of the Jewish temple, which would come to pass just 40 years later.

However, in Matthew 23:39, Jesus hints at a future hope: "You shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord." This verse underscores a critical precondition for the Second Coming—Israel's national repentance and acknowledgment of Jesus as the Messiah. The Jewish leaders, who once led the nation in rejecting Him, will one day lead the nation in accepting Him, fulfilling the Messianic prophecy.
We also explore the prophetic context of Hosea 6, which speaks of a national call to repentance, and how this ties into the events surrounding the Second Coming. The leadership of Israel, in the final days of the tribulation, will issue a decree of repentance, recognizing their sin of rejecting the Messiah. This act will set the stage for Jesus' return, as outlined in Isaiah 53:1-9, where Israel confesses their past sins and acknowledges that Jesus suffered for their transgressions.

We also explore the prophetic context of Hosea 6, which speaks of a national call to repentance, and how this ties into the events surrounding the Second Coming. The leadership of Israel, in the final days of the tribulation, will issue a decree of repentance, recognizing their sin of rejecting the Messiah.

In the second part of this episode, we briefly turn to Psalm 80, where the psalmist cries out for divine intervention, pleading with God to rescue Israel from a perilous situation. The theme of the psalm, found in verses 1-3, calls upon the "Shepherd of Israel" to shine forth and save His people. As we read further, we find a profound connection to the Messiah in verse 17: "Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, upon the Son of Man who you made strong for yourself."

This verse directly points to Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, who sits at the right hand of God since His ascension. The Jewish people, in their moment of desperation, will call upon Him—the Son of Man, a title laden with Messianic significance—for deliverance. At their request, Jesus will rise from His seat, return to His people, and bring about the end of their tribulation, ushering in the long-awaited Messianic Kingdom.

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Let's unpack these rich biblical themes together and reveal the spiritual conditions necessary for the return of our Lord and Savior.

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