THE HIGH NOON SHOW: Majestic 12 - Above Top Secret & Noel Benoist (13th Majestic Seat)

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TAKE A RIDE . . . with Fearless Floyd with Majestic 12 and Noel Benoist, former NSA Agent Whistleblower and author of The 200-Year Plan . . . Majestic 12, also known as MJ-12, is a purported secret organization that appears in UFO conspiracy theories. According to these theories, MJ-12 was a code name for a committee formed in 1947 by an executive order, comprising scientists, military leaders, and government officials. The committee allegedly handled the recovery of an extraterrestrial aircraft and subsequent cover-ups. Noel Benoist claims to be the 13th Seat on Majestic 12 to replace one of the 12 if they become incapcitated.

The Majestic 12 documents have been circulating online and in some government archives. The FBI has acknowledged receiving similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12” in 1988, which claimed to be a briefing for President Eisenhower on the secret committee. The National Archives has searched for records related to MJ-12 and Majestic, but found no evidence of an NSC meeting on July 16, 1954, or any mention of MJ-12 in NSC Meeting Minutes for July 1954.

Access and References

The Majestic 12 documents are available online, including an FBI-released e-book from 1998. The Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum also has a reference to Operation Majestic 12 (MJ-12 Document). However, the authenticity and accuracy of these documents remain disputed among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics.

Key Points:
Purported secret organization formed in 1947
Alleged to handle recovery of extraterrestrial aircraft and subsequent cover-ups.
FBI received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12” in 1988
National Archives searched for records, found no evidence of NSC meeting or mention of MJ-12.
Documents available online, including an FBI-released e-book and Smithsonian reference.

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These are the specific requirements for proving Harassment and/or Cyberstalking under Texas Penal Code §§ 42.07 and 42.092:
Harassment (Texas Penal Code Section 42.07)
1. Intent: The actor must have intended to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another person.
2. Communication: The harassment must involve one or more of the following:
• Initiating communication (§ 42.07(a)(1))
• Causing a telephone to ring repeatedly or making repeated anonymous or harassing telephone communications (§ 42.07(a)(4))
• Sending repeated electronic communications (§ 42.07(a)(7))
• Publishing repeated electronic communications on an Internet website or social media platform (§ 42.07(a)(8))
3. Reasonable likelihood: The communication must be made in a manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another person.
4. Criminal penalties: The offense is a Class C misdemeanor (first offense), Class B misdemeanor (second offense), or state jail felony (third or subsequent offense).
Cyberstalking (Texas Penal Code Section 42.092)
1. Pattern of behavior: The actor must engage in a pattern of behavior that is directed at a specific person and would cause a reasonable person to feel threatened or fearful.
2. Knowledge or reasonable belief: The actor must know or reasonably believe that the behavior would cause the victim to feel threatened or fearful.
3. Electronic communications: The pattern of behavior must involve electronic communications, such as emails, texts, or social media messages.
4. Criminal penalties: The offense is a felony of the third degree (first offense) or second degree (second or subsequent offense).

Common elements
1. Intent: In both sections, the actor’s intent is a crucial element. The intent must be to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another person (42.07) or to cause fear or threatened harm (42.092).
2. Reasonable likelihood: In both sections, the communication or behavior must be made in a manner reasonably likely to achieve the intended harm or fear.

Texas Penal Code § 7.01. PARTIES TO OFFENSES.
(a) A person is criminally responsible as a party to an offense if the offense is committed by his own conduct, by the conduct of another for which he is criminally responsible, or by both.
(b) Each party to an offense may be charged with commission of the offense.
(c) All traditional distinctions between accomplices and principals are abolished by this section, and each party to an offense may be charged and convicted without alleging that he acted as a principal or accomplice.

JURISDICTION: Jurisdiction for any Harassment and/or Cyberstalking complaints you experience during this Show are in the Jurisdiction of the County of Harris, The State of Texas, and must be directed to:
Hon. Kimberly Ogg, District Attorney
Harris County District Attorney
201 Caroline St., Suite 420
Houston, Texas 77002

Hon. Ed Gonzales, Sheriff
Harris County Sheriff

Hon. Ken Paxton, Attorneys General
Attorneys General for The State of Texas
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548

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