Business owner went on a sabbatical and his business went …. | David Freymiller | Ep 41

6 months ago

On this episode of Kingdom Heirs we speak with business owner David Freymiller on his sabbatical he took from his business, how he set up his business to allow him to take time off, and what happened to his business while he was gone.

00:00 - The Beginning
02:00 - The rules of a sabbatical
08:30 - What was it like taking the sabbatical?
13:00 - Money can’t be your God
17:00 - You can’t take a sabbatical without a plan
22:00 - Don’t forget your first love
26:00 - Create a great work culture to prevent burnout
31:00 - Get the right team in place so you can buy back your time
40:00 - No one asks a billionaire how he does it
44:00 - Be smart in planning when to take your sabbatical

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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

#kingdombusiness #faithandbusiness #kingdomheirspodcast #christianpodcast #christianbusiness #entrepreneur #youngentrepreneurs #christianmotivation #entrepreneurship #ministry #business #christianbusiness #businessowner #businesspodcast #businessowner #businessgrowth #businessministry #howtobeamillionnaire #adviceforsucess #howtostartabusiness #sabbatical #businesscoach

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