The catholic church origins

4 months ago

Origins of the catholic church
The catholic church origins

Origins of the catholic church This is such a debated topic and soark The reosn is because the catholic church destroyed many of the early book and changed history For example in school we learn Waldenses come from Peter Waldo in 16 th century when in fact we have their writings and schools from the first centuries and a church which is right in fron of the Vatican Incredible The catholic church origins

Origins of the catholic church Paul converts went to the moutain of Alps Bible says the church went in the winderless for 1260 years . The catholic church origins The catholic church did not start until around AD 321 A compromose came in the second century . Many pagan beliefs crept in the church . The true christians went in the mountains of the Alps Origins of the catholic church Catholic church stared in 3 rd century as we know it today The catholic church origins Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us

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