In Israel Uriel ben Mordechai was Murdered by the evils for going up against mask mandates

25 days ago

What's a codre?

She's not very smart and clearly worships the allopathic industry and of course her gawd who she thinks saves her at every turn SMH, but the story is interesting. It does PROVE that some Jews were attacked and obviously killed when they fought back, so I'll say once again, it's NOT ALL JEWS who are responsible for all of the evil acts, only the evils jews. sigh

I can't stand religious fanatics who think only their gawd helped them, not the person who actually came into their life and helped them. This is called synchronicity in Spirituality.

It's just amazing, first she worships the mafia allopathic industry and then in the end she went for holistic anyway and it helped her, so WHY was she putting herself through sooo much stress going to the evil whitecoat doctors?

WOW, they were forced to put a bar code on their arm and they don't notice this is related to WWII????

Then she doesn't understand why she lost in court. Not awake at ALL and like I said, not bright. I don't know if this is because of the stress, her health, or she was always like this before. - SMH Terrible that so many people died around her in such a short period of time.

The losing weight is due to the evils weapons. I recently lost a lot of weight and have been sick since August 10, 2024. It was based on the evils' GM mosquitos which are mini death jabs and their frequency weapons.

People, the evils control the ENTIRE legal system WORLDWIDE. If you still worship the mafia government and the slave legal system, you are a FOOL!!!

It sounds like that poor man (I guess it was her husband) worked his ass off for everyone which is how it should be, and the evils killed him for it, but why about the mask mandates? I'm wondering if other things were going on. It had to do with the pilots? I guess that was about the death jab at that point and she doesn't get that part either or that it's a fucking DEATH JAB.

Here's the video with proof that Israelis did get damaged by the death jab.

Is that second guy on the other side of her Zelenko's son?

Original link -

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Please PLEASE start releasing your childhood trauma. We all have some.

This is why it's so easy for the evils to control us, because they have harmed us psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma - war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, all sorts of EMFs, RFs, MFs, etc., AND brainwashing and mind control.

Then our parents pass that trauma down onto us and unless you clear most of it, you will pass it to your children and so on.

Then we need to learn how to tap into our inner power and reach our higher self.

Looking outside yourself is what they want you to do so you think you have NO POWER.

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