Judas Kiss Video - URGENT Last Days Message - America you are the Prodigal Son! Repent of Your Sins

6 months ago

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Get ready, things are going to get much worse before they get better.

I recorded this in my basement studio. I feel that God wanted me to share this URGENT message with you -which is hidden in the words of this song! I must share this to as many people as I can before it is too late! Listen to the words of this song! The time is short, Jesus WILL COME VERY SOON! Are you ready! Things are going to get much more worse! Evil is rising all around us. But we cannot fear, for God is our father and if you trust in Him and follow Him He will take good care of you! The facts are very clear! Jesus is coming soon and He is the only one that can save you.

When you die, where do you want to live for all eternity, in Heaven or in Hell?

How to be saved!
Ask God and His son Jesus to forgive you of all your sins and come into your heart. Then follow him by praying, talking to Him and reading His word that he so kindly provided for us, then you will be saved!
The Spirit of almighty God worked through men and prophets to give us the Bible. Without Gods word in your heart you will not make it in these last days. It is that simple.. Follow Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Yes, we are living in the Final Hour! Jesus WILL come to remove all Christians who are ready and are willing to go. He is coming to rescue us from the 7 years of Hell that is coming on the earth. Soon the mark of the beast will be here . Those who do not take it, cannot buy or sell without it. Sounds familiar does it not? In 2020 they tried to brain wash all of us, and get the people ready for what is really coming! The 7 year tribulation is coming VERY SOON! There is a man that will take over the world or try to, and make everyone take his mark, which is the mark of the beast - whose number is 666. The mark could be digital or a chip or a tattoo or all 3. They will try and scare you into taking it, If people do not take it, they will be jailed and tortured, No food etc... If you still do not take the mark they will kill you or kill you by cutting off your head. But the good thing is you will go up into heaven and be with Jesus, you will only suffer a short time, then you will be free from the devil forever! But, if anyone is stupid enough to take the Mark they will be lost forever in Hell. Their life will be very short on the earth! Oh yes, they may give you food and water in return for the mark, but you will lose your soul and mind, and the devil will control you. All happiness and joy you once had will be gone, all good memories will be gone. You will not know how to love ever again. Will the food and short freedom be worth it? No! You may only live for a few years, then you will go to Hell to burn and suffer forever and ever. Those who follow Jesus and do not take the mark will live forever in peace and happiness forever and ever.
A man's life on this earth is only short time. But Eternity with God and His Son Jesus is forever, and forever, and the peace, joy and happiness will never end!

Kindest Regards,
Rick Anthony


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