034 – Man on the Street #001, North Perth, WA, 2024.08.27

6 months ago

034 – Man on the Street #001, North Perth, WA, 27.08.2024

there is a first for everything.

Yeah I am nervous in this video and its a skill issue that I need to develop. Please forgive my mumbles and stumbles. The next one will be calmer and better.

Witness the promotion of Douglas Social Credit in the streets.


Source link for booklet being handed out - https://alor.org/Storage/Library/PDF/Stones_W-Brief_Outline_of_Social_Credit.pdf

My video oration of this booklet - https://rumble.com/v4ampmu-001-long-form-brief-outline-of-social-credit-by-william-stones.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp


Australian Constitution

Section 51
(xii) currency, coinage, and legal tender;
(xiii) banking, other than State banking; also State banking extending beyond the limits of the State
concerned, the incorporation of banks, and the issue of paper money;
Websites for Douglas Social Credit

douglassocialcredit.com - England, Social Credit Secretariat
thepeoplescredit.com.au - formerly socialcredit.com.au
socred.org - Canada, Dr. Oliver Heydorn
alor.org - Australian League of Rights
michaeljournal.org – Pilgrims of Saint Michael
placeholder - New Zealand, can anyone help here?
Further Sources

trove.nla.gov.au - National Library of Australia - search with quotes "douglas credit proposals" and "social credit"

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