Time For Lupine!

25 days ago

Only cowards plant Lupine only in the early spring, I would plant them in the deep snow if i could. push the limits crash through the ceiling with Late Late Summer Lupine, only where its slippery and smoothest where petunias bring peace and bass bring salvation.

Skunks Raid, Skunks Plunder, Skunks Loaf around all day but when a skunk eats a certain herb watch out. Only in a skunks stomach can 75% of all knows organically potentially magical herbs be converted into usable types of light glimmering caustics, a key ingredient to making both Love and Anger spells controllable when projecting them outward.”

Pixies and Fairies do not always achieve what you might call “cohesive flow” like a Fairy’s Tail they are constantly, filing protests with the I.S.T.V. Flower Bed Security, Main office and don't even mention the ocean of complaints processed by the West Michigan Wastelands Flower Authority as a whole on an annual basis secretly the I.S.T.V. resolves most fairy and pixie disputes by way of discreet and almost exclusive us of the Flower Bed Security Main office Central Herbal AI computer. requests for administrative and punitive actions against other Fairies are common as such civil disputes, slander, petty theft, Grand Theft Pumpkin, Unnecessary use of potions, Creating I.S.T.V. and W.M.W.F.A. banned recreational trinkets.” Interfering with skunk digestion, disrupting seances, destroying entire covens without acquiring herbs. It’s not just a few troublemakers, its all of them. They defiantly hold the lines against environmental cruelty in a u universe bent on organic destruction in their own way and thank the roses they do it.

“How are you gonna grease 4 Witches and not even bring home a sprig of Basil I mean what are we doing over here? W.M.W.F.A. found like 100lb of goat bane in the back yard you couldn’t call it in?”
“ill make it up on the next run, cross my heart.”
-Skunk Hollow Pixie and Fairy Resource Management

All the ingredients and recipes for spells and potions are organic catalysts that promote and negate each other’s values and enhancements. The moment a witch dies this accrued library of herbal information is lost unless the Witch is destroyed by a Pixie, whose ability to capture and retain fallen knowledge of creatures slain, is an attribute damned onto them by Faries Forever.

“I feel as if I died”.
“You did but now you are a fairy."

“For Warlocks deception comes naturally. But that does not mean they are good at it.”

“Pixies have no Love. They gave everything for plants and animals.”

Bees are as close to absolute flower energy as is achievable organically without the use of sorcery, say maybe seeds. They are so closely linked to flowers that every tiny part of a bee is a powerful catalyst for the most hateful and devastating of anger-based spells. When you add additional properly refined herbs the power easily become insurmountable. In the final stages of casting such a spell common causes of accidental premature spell discharge are lack of mental fortitude, inadequate discipline and failure to coordinate portals for inter-dimensional brewing and herbal processing.Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens are in the Western Wastelands of Western Michigan.

"The Fairies have declared a Flower Jihad in my front yard look at it!"

“If you happen to kill somebody for a potion that is warded your soul may be damned to burden it forever.”
Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens
"The Inconceivable power of flowers is cracking the fabric of our lawn."

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