The people who fought for freedom are being spit in the face by the young

6 months ago

We need to support our veterans and the things they fought for are being taken away from us by the elitists who hate our freedom and only want to live like kings and we 8 billion of us outnumber them but some of us are afraid or don’t wanna fight and just live but if our rights are taken away you’ll see communism come in the form of democracy and the founding fathers warned us and created the constitution to protect against both democracy and monarchy. We shouldn’t bow to people who don’t give a fuck about us. We’re Americans for crying out loud and we don’t bow to kings or dictators, democracy will always lead to erosion of rights of all and democracy may sound good on paper but think about all the countries that are democracies they sooner or later turned to dictatorship and if you see a veteran on the street give him some food or offer money or housing, do what you can do to help them in their struggles. But veterans like this are the reason we have the rights we have now protected In the constitution. They feel betrayed it’s up to us to make it up to them.

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