6 months ago

THIS IS THE MUCH SHORTER VERSION DEFINING THE TREE PARTS. FULL VERSION IS BELOW. Few people have the slightest idea of how massive the treason in America has become. Who would even believe that the entire Democrat Government, from the supposed President down, in cahoots with all government agencies (18 security agencies) would all conspire to eliminate Trump, by having a massive “Trump Practice Assassination Rehearsal”, a week or so, prior to the actual Assassination Attempt. When I wrote my number one book I had little idea. When I wrote my Number 2 book still had no idea. But by the time I started Number 3 , was starting to get the picture of just how criminally treasonous all Democrats actually are (book 3 is a work in progress) how do we know they are each and every one complicit? Because not one single person has broken ranks, and told what really happened at Butler, with a “Practice Assassination Rehearsal,” at Butler field, a week or so prior to the actual Assassination attempt. Watch Trumps Assassination Rehearsal Short and then the longer one which follows. This needs to be sent to every email contact you have anywhere in the world not only America. The future of the world is at stake. Whatever happens in America affect the entire world. This treason can not stand. Also I cover in one video the fact that biden has been an imposter for 52 years and Obama for 49 years Just Click and open Drop box and pick what you want to look at. I doubt very much that many of you are aware of all these thing. Trump knows it all because we are in contact and I also talk with Lin Woods.

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