Full restoration REBEL 1000cc 60year old motorcycle antique @amazingworkervideo

6 months ago

Full restoration REBEL 1000cc 60year old
motorcycle antique @amazingworkervideo

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If you have any idea or more convenience to
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us ! i apologize for the mistake if I made this
Here is the Full Restoration an Antique British
Motorcycle of 1963... "A Triumph Tiger Cub". As
We Found it, I immediately purchased this from an
Old School Uncle and took it to my Garage. And
Now, This is the Time for what I was waiting, We
started an Amazing Restoration of this Enchanting
Beauty. Its a 4 Stroke 200cc Motorcycle, I can't
Imagine ! So, I Hope you also Love this beauty.
I also want to tell you that I'm Really very thankful
for every single supporter of us. Also give me
feedbacks, after watching the video. In the End, I
wanna thanks you again for watching this video.

restoration of old motorcycle
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