JAG Re-Arrests SCJ Amy Coney Barrett

5 months ago

JAG rearrested Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Saturday night, a day after she sided with the Court’s liberal minority about whether to allow Arizona election officials to reject new voter registration forms that do not include proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a passport.

White Hats allege Barrett’s vote on the matter was unconstitutional and violated an agreement she and President Trump had etched in stone following her first arrest in May 2021.

As reported then, Navy JAG and Army CID investigators detained Barrett for recusing herself from a pivotal vote that could’ve exposed widespread election fraud in Pennsylvania. Her silence was a massive blow to the faith President Trump had placed in her and enraged conservatives nationwide. Her wanton betrayal had almost merited a trip to GITMO, but President Trump instead requested she be confined to house arrest and fitted with an ankle bracelet, which she has worn like an indelible tattoo ever since. Sources have told Real Raw News that Trump and Barrett had several private conversations around that time, the outcome of which spared her a military tribunal and possible death sentence, and apparently softened Trump’s revulsion toward her. Whatever deal they struck resulted in Barrett returning to the Court, ankle bracelet concealed beneath her judicial robe.

The agreement came to a screeching halt as JAG investigators late Saturday night “forcibly entered” her family home with a warrant for her arrest and a far-reaching search warrant that ordered the seizure of all electronic devices and other “tangible evidence.” According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to find proof Barrett was conspiring with liberal justices and legislatures. They searched all living spaces—closets, bedrooms, bathrooms, the living room, the kitchen, and her home office space—leaving an hour later with large cardboard boxes and a handcuffed Amy Coney Barrett.

A JAG source familiar with the raid said ACB’s husband, Jesse M. Barrett, and the couple’s three youngest children, Liam, 13, Juliet, 11, and Benjamin, 10, were present and that Mr. Barrett did not interfere with the search. The children reportedly cried as investigators hauled ACB off in irons.

The source said Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall at GITMO signed the warrant after conferring with President Trump, but he did not know what words were exchanged.

Real Raw News will update this developing story asap.

By Michael Baxter -August 26, 2024

The Digital Soldier Press

RealDobie Tejas


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