5 months ago

According to un-checked sources as comments on the comment boards under various articles about Pavel Durov’s arrest by the French Police, Durov is obviously guilty because Telegram allegedly cannot be monetised, they say and it has to be checked, that the Telegram Account is for free and there are no ads to monetise, I tell you I don’t know it for sure, so you or someone else has to check, but like this how could he possibly do 12 bln dollars revenue out of Telegram? Without ads and without fees?
Likely he makes money with the activity on Telegram like for ex. selling drugs and weapons and … minors, or the pirate streaming of content that to be accessed legally you have to pay, as on Sky-Sport or Netflix etc.
It is not quite clear why in their articles the scandalised or skeptical journalists never say this, they go on talking of free speech and not of the tough criminal activity going on on the Platform, the extra-passport this guy Pavel Durov has in St. Kittis And Nevis is precisely a tool not to pay taxes, because St Kittis is a tax haven, if 2+2=4 it is clear Durov makes money out of the illegal actvity on Telegram and brings the money to St Kittis And Nevis not to pay taxes and not to be disturbed by any "IRS" that he and Tucker Carlson want to close for "privacy" sic. It is hard to make 12 billion dollars out of Telegram legally, and consider this, moreover, he goes to Dubai for free speech issues (?) only in Dubai kind of women go out in burqa and they kill you or whip you if you say you don’t believe in prophet Mohamed or Islam. Where’s freedom of speech in Dubai? It is more likely just a safe base for drugs and weapons trafficking and child pornography and someone said – always in the comment board because the articles are unreadable – out of contacts and contracts with States at war like Russia and/or Ukraine because really he makes huge amounts of money out of nothing, or out of little. Why cannot I make millions out of AlterVista and Rumble and he makes billions out of Telegram? And on Rumble and AV there are the ads, if you don’t want the ads you have to pay a fee to compensate. It is reported that Erik Prince made 1,2 bln dollars with Blackwater, Pavel Durov made 12 bln with Telegram (?)
I think the French Police is right when they talk about witting lack of moderation, it means this: you have a budget of 12 bln dollars, a luxury headquarters in Dubai obviously you can pay staffers, let’s say 40 new employees and set up an algorithm to just block the crude illegal content as child porn, drug traffick, pirate streaming of World Championship matches etc, it’s not that with 12 bln dollars he can’t afford to pay the staff he needs: he doesn’t want to do it. Why doesn’t he do it? He doesn’t do it on purpose obviously to go with the unchecked wars.
Plus spare me Elon Musk playing the free speech fighter, I was ousted from X and this is the only thing I need to know about his free speech stance: Musk is a buffon, I am convinced these people here as Durov, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk are a globalist mafia who act from within the Right instead of acting from within the Left, or from Dubai. I want the IRS to control what they do these quick & easy billionaires out of nothing, I am not against the IRS at all, like Tucker, as for the French Police’s arrest Durov wanted it, because the French auhtorities had issued an arrest warrant against him for refusal of collaboration on a couple of cases of illegal activities going on on Telegram and he knew it, some people say he decided to be arrested in France instead of being arrested in Russia or feared to be assassinated. I don’t like him. Yes, free speech, I am evidently very much pro free speech, as you can see, but he clearly was facilitating hardcore illegal activity and likely made money out of it. Very Likely.

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