For Christian Esoteric Gnostic Knews and Views Psalm 23:1

5 months ago

For Christian Esoteric Gnostic Knews and Views Psalm 23:1
The Twenty-Third Psalm
This Psalm has no title, none is needed, for it records no special event, and needs no other key than that which every Christian may find buried within.
23rd Psalm
It is note worthy that I have drawn heavily on the work of Charles Spurgeon, a Treasury of David
An Introduction To The 23rd Psalm. The position of this is Psalm is worthy of notice also.
It follows the 22nd Psalm, which is commonly known as the Psalm of the Cross.
There are no green pastures, no still waters on the other side of the twenty-second psalm. It is only after we have read.
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Psalm 22:1, that we come to "The Lord is my Shepherd." Psalm 23:1
We must by experience, know the value of the Cross, and the death of the ego.
The experiences of the death to the ego-soul is not metaphorical.
Not Mythological or in anyway figurative or fanciful.
It is an experience, bordering on excitement to depression.
As another author said; It is like having the brake pedal on, as hard as possible and the gas pedal depressed to the metal.
It is in this, the death of the ego, death to our selfish desires, and alive to Who, What, When, Where and then sometimes.
And maybe we get to know; Why the Lord led us this WAY.
It is in the answering of these five questions that the Sweetness of the good Shepherd's care comes through to our consciousness.
There is a certain bird in the Southwest United States who sing best when in turmoil and trial. They mimic the songs of other birds around them.

Even after they take flight, one may hear them in the distance. They carry the burdens of others to the throne of God, for God to support and to heal others.
Note the last words of the psalm — And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

It is in finding the healing, in finding the consolation for our souls.
Then will we be able to provide provision from the deep well of Jesus to give to Others.
The Twenty-Third Psalm, in the whole, is made of celestial notes, more fitted for the eternal mansions than for these dwelling places below the clouds.
Oh, that we may enter into the Presence of Angels to sing songs of goodness and healing, first for our own soul. Then for our fellow travelers along “The Way.”
[[ Remember, my comments will be in between the double brackets]]
The Psalmist’s Shepherd.
A Psalm of David, the Twenty-Third Division
V 1. The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me],
I shall not want.
[[ The Lord is my shepherd.
The Christ-Man or Christ-Woman who cannot learn from the simplest savant will not learn at the Master’s feet.]]
[[What condescension is this, that the infinite Lord assumes towards his people; the office and character of a Shepherd! ]]
[[ It should be the subject of grateful admiration that the great God allows himself to be compared to anything which will ignite a flickering flame.]]
[[A bruised reed will he not injure.
But he will endeavor to bring righteousness.]]
Isaiah 42:3
[[David had himself been a keeper of sheep, and understood both the needs of the sheep and the many cares of a shepherd. ]]
[[He compares himself to a creature weak, defenseless, and foolish, and he takes God to be his Provider, his Provender, his Providence, his Preserver, his Propitiation and, indeed, his everything.]]
[[No man has a right to consider himself the Lord's sheep unless his nature has been renewed.]]
[[God sees you and I as sheep of his sheepfold or as wolves or as goats.]]
[[As sheep, we are an object of property, not a willful animal; its owner sets great store by it, and frequently it is bought with a great price.]]
[[It is well to know, as certainly David did, that we belong to the Lord. ]]
[[There is a noble tone of confidence about this sentence. There is no "if" nor "but," nor even "I hope so;" but he says, "The Lord is my shepherd."
And there is not a hint of: Well today I may obey the Shepherd and tomorrow I may not. Who would put up by that willfulness?]]
[[I belong to him and he belongs too me. He gets me, and most of the time I understand him.]]
[[We must cultivate the spirit of assured dependence upon our heavenly Father.]]
[[The sweetest word in the whole is that monosyllable, "My.”]]
[[“The LORD IS MY SHEPHERD ;" if he be a Shepherd to no one else, he is a Shepherd to me; he CARES for me, WATCHES over me, and PRESERVES me.]]
[[The words are in the present tense. Whatever be the believer's position, he is even now under the pastoral care of the Grand Shepherd of ALL of the Universes.]]
[[ I shall not lack for temporal things. Does he not feed the ravens, and cause the lilies to grow?]]
Matthew 6:26-34
[[Besides, in all these things, this will become the new normal in the New World. ]]
[[Until we arrive on those fateful shores begin to practice, to see it fulfilled, by faith in God. ]]
[[ I even heard Christians say; I have faith in myself. It is and always will be faith in God to carry me through.]]
[[Yes, there is an element of self confidence, otherwise we would not be able step outside our door. Been there and done that too!]]
[[ I’m Not saying it’s right, I’m just saying ask Jesus to help you through that dark space. ]]
God Will Take You Through
[[How, then can the Shepherd leave his children to starve?
I shall not want for spirituals,
I know his grace will be sufficient for me. Resting in him he will say to me, "As thy day so shall thy strength be."]]
Deuteronomy 33:25-27
All God’s Children Got Shoes
[[ I may not possess all that I wish for, but "I shall not want." Others, far wealthier and wiser than I, may want, but "I shall not." ]]
[[The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."]]
Psalm 34:10
[[It is not only "I DO NOT want," but "I SHALL NOT WANT." ]]
[[Come on BELIEVERS we are not complain’ers
We are practicing prayer’ers.
We are faith’ers.
Not bad grammar;
just good practice.
We are Huemans!
As a sentient being.
We are creators (by faith in the goodness of God)]]
[]You haven’t given up on eating yet; have you?
That’s good, just keep on practicing!
Every day, day in, day out.
Here is something to ponder.]]
The Carter Family
Keep On The Sunny Side
[[Come what may, if famine should devastate the land, or calamity destroy the city, "I SHALL NOT WANT."]]
[[Old age with its feebleness shall not bring me any lack, and even death with its gloom shall not find me destitute.]]
[[ I have all things and abound; not because I have a good store of food in the larder, not because I have gold under the floor boards, or skill, wit, or friends with which to borrow the money.]]
[[We must cultivate the spirit of DIVINE ASSURED DEPENDENCE upon our heavenly Father. ]]
[[We all know what’s ahead. We’ve all been told to plan ahead, build up your storehouses, stock up.
No matter what comes our way! In the end we are under the care of our Divine Heavenly Shepherd.]]
[[The sweetest word of the entire English language is that monosyllable, "My!”]]
[["The Lord is MY shepherd;" if he be a Shepherd to no one else, he is a Shepherd to me; he cares for me, watches over me, and preserves me. ]]
[[Whatever be the believer's financial position, he is even now under the pastoral care of the Grand Shepherd Yeshua. . . As In a perpetual, as in occurring repeatedly; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted.]]
[[The next words are a sort of inference from the first statement-they are in sentiment and positive —I shall not want!]]
[[The LORD is my SHEPHERD to Feed me, to Guide me, and to Shield me.]]
[[The words are ever in the present tense. Whatever be the believer's position, he is even now under the pastoral care of our David, our Shepherd.]]

In the tenth chapter of John's gospel, you will find six marks of Christ sheep:
1. They know their Shepherd;
2. They know his voice;
3. They hear him calling them each by name;
4. They love him;
5. They trust him;
6. They follow him.
In "The Shepherd's King," by the Authoress of "The Folded Lamb" {Mrs. Rogers.}, 1856.

I Am

End•••••••••• 9,130


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