VP Harris accepts nomination, What next ?

1 month ago

Will the electorate accept Kamala Harris as their favoured Presidential candidate? She still has a tough road ahead. The public is still uneasy about economic conditions, Immigration and the questionable role of the US as an effective superpower – economically, diplomatically & militarily on the world stage.
Harris largely still shall look forward to rely on rival candidate Trump’s possible fumbling. It will be better for him not to oblige her as time till November is going to be crucial. Coming up Presidential debates as they may happen, are going to play a very crucial role in bringing both candidates to a finer Public scrutiny. Media’s role shall also be in greater public scrutiny. United States of America, the oldest democracy in the world, shall be at world’s scrutiny as to how it conducts its election in a fair, transparent & constitutional manner.
Not only America but the whole world shall be watching the developments in coming days very closely as lot is at stake for everyone as a result of this coming election which is going to be a very complex one undoubtedly. Good luck everyone.

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