Paddling up the creek at Rock Lake Provincial Park

6 months ago

We were camping at Rock Lake, and found the mouth of the creek that feeds the lake.

The creek flows from the mountains in the Wilmore Wilderness Park, so we decided to paddle up the creek as far as we could make it.

The scenery was beautiful, and along the way we paddled past this beaver dam.

We didn't see any animals, but saw plenty of tracks in the mud along the sides of the creek .

The water was crystal clear the whole way. It was a hot day so we stopped for swim breaks to cool off in the cold mountain water.

We saw lots of fish in the creek, so the boys did a little fishing and caught this mountain white fish, and then we released him.

We leisurely paddled for about 3 hours up the creek until we came across this downed tree, and then let the gentle current carry us back to the lake.

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