Star Citizen Live Recap - May 3rd 2024 (3.23 Wipe Confirmed)

6 months ago

A recap of today's Star Citizen Live which talked about many topics; from 3.23's partial wipe, to building your own Idris in the far future.

Join me as I summarize nearly everything that was discussed!


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IF you do not have someone's referral code, then I humbly ask that you use mine.

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0:00 - Intro
0:23 - 3.23 wipe
1:26 - Where are the Space Whales?
1:57 - Update on Quantum (economy)
2:26 - Why did Salvage get nerfed?
3:00 - Mission Reward Adjustments
3:19 - Reputation changes 3.23?
3:49 - Sniper Glint Hate
4:31 - Scanning inside our ships
4:58 - WTF Master Modes
5:37 - Alpha is Test
6:16 - Input Delay EPTU
6:59 - Should 3.23 be smaller?
7:19 - Personal Hangar Update?
7:41 - Reset Home after 3.23.x?
8:14 - Grim Hex as Home?
8:44 - Is Arena Commander dead?
9:14 - Expanding Unlawful Play
9:54 - Soloing in Star Citizen + Interesting info
12:30 - Nightvision
13:19 - Outro

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