Juan O Savin ~ Denver Airport FAIL New Financial Markets ~Bright Side

5 months ago

JUAN starts with a little known fact that the Denver International Airport was going to be the "Black Hat" version of the "new" DC. This then talks about the Leap frog forward that will give us the NEW TECHNOLOGY. This is not based on Lithium Batteries.
Much more like the "Industrial Revolution". Then we just have to SURVIVE to the FAR SIDE of these coming events. PLEASE think this through on your own.. someone that is INNOVATIVE like Nikola Tesla (or just do what you love) will benefit by using what they KNOW. The mechanism of the Dollar conversion is to the METALS BACK CURRENCY. This is not a "get rich quick" SCHEME. Someone has to tell you this is only a few years away! If you have been scammed please GET OUT NOW. This is not legal advice but if you are maintaining Silver Gold or even Dollars it will come back to you full exchange and you will be better off.
This has no Author it is owned by Juan O Savin, DMCA copyright to his speech. Fair Use for Educational purposes. All rights for visuals to:

https:// www.youtube.com/

@BRIGHTSIDEOFFICIAL and https:// www.youtube.com/@atlasobscura

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