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FlyOver Conservatives-SESSION #3: The Difference between Prophetic and Revelation | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler - captions
“When we start embracing God’s grace, God comes with His abundance of power and ability and He begins to change us. He begins to change our way of thinking in a permanent way. God uses His power, His loving-kindness, to take the truth and set us free.” - Ginger Ziegler
Ginger Ziegler is an accomplished author, teacher, mentor, grandmother, mother, and confidant. She is affectionately known as “Mom” to those who know her personally. In her 40+ years of ministry, she has established and pastored churches, Bible schools, ministry training schools, foreign missions, prison ministries and prayer groups all over the world. Additionally, she has preached in numerous churches in the U.S. and many foreign countries. She has also worked with many large ministries, establishing Biblically sound and healthy prayer groups, and leadership schools.
Ginger has a passion for empowering individuals to live out their God-given purpose and fulfill God’s original design for their lives, reigning victoriously as sons and daughters, equipped with the revelation of the POWER that is in the Name and Blood of Jesus.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video was posted on 08-03-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
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Ginger Ziegler
Welcome to the show, Ginger Zigler. Welcome. I'm honored to be able to do this. Thank you, Stacy. It's a blessing. It's a blessing to be able to share. I love it. Years, I'm so glad I can get all this information out that that little bit that I've learned. Little tiny bit that I've learned but it is life changing. It's changed my li fe. Man, it just the amount of time Ginger that we've been speaking. Obviously, I've read the book several times. Continue to read it every single month. Um I am just Continuing to learn more about myself, more about God, more about what it looks like to take up authority here on the Earth and it's been such an exciting adventure and I'm enjoying everyone of these sessions that we're having and I'm really excited about today like I said in the introduction. As I was reading through the notes, I'm like, man, I got a lot to learn. I cannot wait for this session and we're going to be talking about today starting with the whole Bible is prophetic and I've heard that before starting in Genesis going all the way through but I'm excited to to learn from you and hear what exactly that means. Well you know when you start in Genesis the first words it says in the beginning so that's prophetic. I'm going to tell you something in the beginning and I'm going to show you the future. I'm going to and so as you even read those words you begin to realize okay God is about to prophesy. He's about to reveal something to us and so he starts at the very beginning saying I'm going to show you what has occurred what is occurring and what is going to occur and so that's what the prophetic is about and I think we kind of I don't know we labeled it and a different things and but we understand it from the point of the whole Bible being prophetic. God is Helping us understand things that we do not know and it's everything is about right now this moment but it's also about the future but he also has to tell us things about the past so we can get our ducks in row and get things so we can understand where we're going. So when you look at it you go like okay this is what is happened. This is what's happening today. So then you get all the way go all the way to Revelation. So you go Genesis one then go all the way to Revelation nineteen. So when you get there this is very important because Genesis one says in the beginning God created. So he's telling him what's going on. Mhm. And then Revelation 19 which would we would say would be the end but it's not the end. It's the another beginning. Okay wow. He continues because it's eternity. God is eternity. So there when he wants to tell John about something that's a prophetic that's going to take place in the future. Then it's Really interesting. It's all about worship. When you look at Revelation 1910, you look at that verse. Worship or understanding from Genesis to to Revelation nineteen. I'm trying to make this simple. It is very simple. Mm hmm. In the beginning, God, get that straight. Didn't say the devil didn't say you didn't say it. He said, God, God almighty. God, okay. So, we got it. We gotta get like God, that God, not just some God that we went outside and cut down a and made a God out of. Okay got it? Yep. We're talking about God Almighty. So then we come what we would call the end of the Bible but it's actually the continuation or the beginning of eternity how things are going to be what's going to be in the last time and it starts with worship. So I think that's extremely important as John was able to worship as he was able to be in the spirit on the Lord's We talk about prophecy and we like okay somebody got up and they said thus saith the Lord God Almighty. You know so we have all these things that we think is prophecy which a lot of it is most of it is but what is the spirit of prophecy? What is prophecy is Jesus Christ. So when you're looking at Revelation nineteen then you're going to have to and and I mean Revelation twenty-two verse nine. You're going to have to see we're talking about grace and we're talking about in the we gotta see that it is the spirit of prophecy is Jesus. That's what prophecy is. So when we're talking about prophecy, let's go back. Genesis one in the beginning God. So we're saying what is God talking about. Then Peter says that before the foundation of the earth was laid before God ever said in the beginning before it was laid. The lamb was slain. So right here we what we call the beginning the prophetic word is going to start unfolding all the way to Revelation. So when we get into Revelation then we're going to see worshiping God Almighty but he's bringing Jesus into this in in Genesis chapter one and we'll go all the way to the end and so we see the spirit of prophecy is Jesus is the testimony of Jesus testifying talking about Jesus had Prophecy is Jesus. It's a revelation or an unveiling or giving knowledge of or causing us to understand Jesus better than we've ever understood and we understand him. We understand the father. Mm. Is that too deep? I mean. Is that too fast? I was trying to get it where it's and then if you look this is so cool. Revelation twenty-two twenty-one. This is amazing. Just I'm going to do I always do the amplified classic for all y'all that follow me. Um sometimes I do the passion but I'll tell you if I redo the passion. But I stay in the amplified classic. I started doing it years ago and I just kept it up. Works for me. Works really good. So let's look at Revelation twenty-two. The last words in the Bible. So the first words in the Bible is in the beginning. God. God. God. God. Making sure we understand. The last words in the Bible is the grace. Blessing in favor of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Be with all of you. God's holy people set apart. Isn't that amazing? Mhm. The last words in the Bible has to do with grace. Okay. Go to John chapter one verses fourteen through seventeen. And when you get there you see who exactly is Jesus. He said the law came through the prophets and all that Moses. But he said but there's something about me about Jesus Christ. What you're going to receive from me is grace and truth. Isn't that amazing? Yes. Okay. So, you want to talk? Am I talking too much? No, you're doing it great. So, you gotta understand prophecy. Yeah. So, when you're talking about prophecy, we're going to see God is going to tell us. He's going to explain to us how everything got started, how it's working, where we messed up, how to get where we messed up fixed he's going to tell us because he knew it was going to mess up because before Adam and Eve ever got here he had Jesus the lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth was laid yes so we had the answer before he ever said in the beginning God isn't that amazing yes because God is eternity so then we come we're looking at the Bible we're trying to figure out what prophecy is because we have all this talk about well this God prophesied that lady prophesied this and I don't know if that prophecy was from God and and we've had bad things said about prophets and false prophets lately. House off the prophets because we can get ourselves in trouble because the lord said knock it off. Yeah. Okay. Cuz there had Ginger there's been a lot coming out about prophets has been bad where they you know lot of oh they're false prophets. You know what makes somebody a false prophet. I even hear people say oh the ones that prophesied that President Trump was going to be in office again or or that he he was for a second term, they're false prophets but you see like even in Isaiah, he prophesied Jesus's birth but he never saw that come to fruition. He even things that he had prophesied maybe 50 years after he died were coming to fruition or not he died after he was you know, those kind of things. So, what what is your thought on that? Very simple. It's not my thoughts in the Bible. A false prophet or prophecy is anything that's going to get us to worship any other God but God almighty in Jesus Christ, that's simple. If it's Gonna turn us away from Jesus, our salvation. If it's going to turn us away from grace and truth. The last words in the Bible have to do with grace. The grace of Jesus Christ. The anointed one. Mhm. That's how you judge it. Look at all you have to do is read in Old Testament and you can see the guys. I mean remember when Jeremiah was there and take too long going all of it. But anyway it had all these false prophets running around telling the king yeah go to war man it's going to be great. You know you're going to win. This is awesome and everything. And so then the king said well what do you have saying he said well you going to lose and they go put him in a dungeon so in the end who was the false prophet okay so they had to dig Jeremiah out of that so a false prophet's real simple a false prophecy is turning your heart away from your only hope in life before we check out of here either to heaven or hell one of the other and it's simple. It says in Revelation nineteen, the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. So, when we hear a prophetic word, does that cause us to want to worship Jesus? Does that cause us to want to read our Bible? Does that cause us to want to fast and pray? Does that cause us to want to be involved in our government? Does that cause us to want to change things? Does that cause us to want to send our money to help missions and start Bible schools and churches and help the orphans. Mm hmm. What happens when we hear a prophecy? That's plain and simple. That is very simple. That makes a ton of sense. So, in in Revelation 1910, you said, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. That's what it says in there. Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and then it also had when when John saw the angel, he fell down to worship the angel and the angel was like, no, no, no, no, no, don't worship me and then he drew the to Jesus. So, that is the importance of the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Is that right? And what exactly does that mean? Talking about him. What are we saying about Jesus? Jesus is the only way for grace. If we understand grace, what does grace do? Grace according to the book of Romans doesn't give us a license to sin and grace gives us what we need on the inside to overcome and dominate sin. Okay, that's good too. And grace is how we get born again. So we're talking about Jesus. And that is really good. So so grace it gives us the the overcoming and dominating sin. That's what grace does. It gives us the opportunity or the power to overcome and dominate sin. So I was going to ask you that earlier like what does grace mean? Cuz I think there's a lot of question for believers around that. Does that mean that people could just keep doing what they're doing? But that doesn't make any sense when people say that because like You know, I just look at people that I love and that I'm that I'm in relationship with now, my kids, with you, with my husband, with my parents, with my sibling, you know, these relationships. The last thing I want to do is hurt them. I want to do everything I can to make it a great relationship and to build them up and so if I have that same relationship with Jesus, the last thing I would want to do is sin and cause there to be division between us. Well, Grace, it took me a long time. I knew I got so by grace. I understood that Ephesians two eight got that. But I couldn't figure out how to have grace for life. Yes. And that was really tough back in those days. Tough with my mouth. And I just like I did I couldn't get grace going. I I had grace for ministry could do whatever it took for that. But people communication and all that. And so I said Lord you going to have to teach me. I don't understand grace. And so I started studying and studying in ninety-nine. Someone blessed me. They were out here helping us. They fact they were helping putting up the ceiling in the old barn and they said here let me just own you this book and it was by Jim Richards and it was Grace the Power to Change and I read that book and I read it and read it read I probably 15 or 20 times I said I can't quite get this but finally it took me years but over a period of time I was like I see now I try so hard to change and I like okay I'm going to do this I got this I got my things to do list and you boy you set me a goal and I can make it happen so I'd set these goals and then my mouth would pop off and I'd say something stupid and I think what is going on? I know it's something's wrong on the inside. So I finally understood I heard somebody teaches back in the 80s and I've got a little glimpse of it but I didn't really understand what grace is. Grace is God's love. His power. Not my power. His power. Not one of these 15 thousand dollar you know make my brain change and I'm going to be successful day after tomorrow but it's him. Him. His ability. When I go before and grace is to help us change. Mercy is to forgive us of our sins when we act like a jerk. Okay, so keep us separated. So when we go before his mercy and we ask for grace to help us. Help me what? Help me change my stupid thinking. What's the matter with me? I've been confessing the word about to start Jesus. I'm healed by the charge of Jesus. I'm and and this is crazy but this is how I look at it. Okay? You're living in a garage. Remember how we used to have a garage apartments. Oh yeah. So you could say I'm a car. I live in a garage. I'm a car. I live in a garage. I'm a car. I live in a garage. Well I'm not going to turn into a car. I don't know how many times I say that. And that's what was happening to me. I was trying to like fix my thinking by just saying and saying but I had to have a power that I didn't have. And when I understood to go for mercy's seat where the blood of Jesus is. And so Lord I'm a ding dong. I'm a jerk. I got this wrong thinking. I don't know what to do with myself. Please give me your power to change this pattern. This way of thinking. This if if you can change that belief on the inside of me. And the word believe me by life. By the way I live my life. Change that on the inside of me. I need your power. I need your help. I can't do it myself. And then we make our confessions. It's really different when we start confessing the word because then we're not relying on us. Mhm. We're humbling ourself. Peter five first Peter five says if we go before God and we humble ourselves. God help me Jesus. Help me. Help me. Help me. Then the grace comes to give us the help that we need. And that's what grace is. Is the ability to help us like okay I didn't that is a sin but I can see now from the Bible as a sin now father I need you and I want you to change my stupid way of thinking. I was seeing that totally wrong. Mhm. I need to see it. How do you see it? Lord I need I need your eyes. Let me see like you see. Let me feel like you feel. I need your power to help me. And this is how I say it. He said in Corinthians twelve he said Paul I got my grace is sufficient. So this is just me. This is how I think. I mean this is just real simple. Some days I need a symbol full of grace. To change whatever I'm doing. And I mean other days honey like fill up all the horse tanks around here. But this woman needs 55 gallons worth of grace today because I just don't think I can do it today. And so I've learned instead of pulling on what I can do and how I can do it. And I just like God I'm a mess. I just need you. Would you just have mercy on me. And when he mercy on us he forgives us but when he has mercy on us he extends grace and says this is the ability to think differently when you look at the word grace and you start down and you look at the root of it's really interesting the root of it is joy remember what Isaiah sixty-one says I'm just telling you everything I know I I love it this is so good Isaiah 6-1 says well we have the oil of gladness around our neck. Mhm. So when you look at that that's the oil of joy. And so I thought joy is the root of grace. How does this work? Joy is what? Your strength. Yep. How did Jesus go to the cross? With joy in his heart. That's how he went through all that. And so I began to see wait a minute. So the anointing, the ability, all of that is all rooted in the same thing and grace is how we're able to change those. I'm telling you don't you have some stupid things in your life that you would like God I need it changed. I can't I don't Do this anymore. Yep. And you tried everything. I you did the 40 day fast. You did this. You did that. You gave you know what? And so and then you're still a ding dong. Okay. You need grace. Yep. Exactly. Grace goes in and says but see it takes real humility though because I mean you're saying God I know I can't do it. I I don't even know how to do it. I don't even know where to start. I know to start on my knees. And I know to start in front of mercy. And I know to start in front of grace. I know to start in front of the blood of Jesus. If you can do something with me, can you help me get my mind changed? I don't see it like that. Like all the stuff we're seeing now and then he's popping around. Mhm. I mean if that would happen 30 years ago this woman would have seen it totally different. I see it now I have tears and compassion. And people go wow you know and I go whatever. You can do whatever you want to. I've done it both ways. Mhm. This works. Cuz that's what Jesus did on the cross. Okay so a couple things here. Uh a couple things here. First is you gave a definition of mercy but it was really fast. What is the definition of mercy? Really fast. Okay. Mercy is God's willingness. His love. His power. All all that who he is. Okay. His willingness to give that to you to help you. And then the root of it. When you look it up. You can look it up in Hebrew or the Greek either one. And when it starts working. When grace starts working, it reflects back out in life with joy. And this is what I call it giggle grace. Everybody that knows me around here calls it giggle grace. And this is real stupid but it's it happened. I asked the Lord years ago said okay so how am I going to know when I got grace working? And so he said when you have a completely different response than you used to. Okay like let's practice so I'll know. He said when you instead of getting aggravated. I thought boy that'd be. No kidding. That would be Anyway, I've told the story hundreds of times. So I don't eat out. I don't like going through drive thrus but once in a while I have to. So went through drive thru and forever they put cheese on and they put onions on it and I'm saying please do not put any cheese on it. Please don't put any onions on it. Y'all just lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise. I'll be fine. So you drive through you get it and you go what am I smelling? I'm smelling onions. I can't do onions today. I'm getting ready to go to a meeting. My breath. This is not going to work. And used to I like and so I would never go back through the lawn and say anything but I just go dump it in the trash so I'd go forever without eating you know because I whatever. So that first time that happened I went through and I thought what is that smell? Oh my gosh. So I pulled over to the side and I opened the hamburger and it was full of onions. And I burst out laughing. And I was like whoa. What happened? Where did that come from? Yeah. I was looking at I said where'd that come from? And God said you just passed the test. You got giggle grace. And that's what we call it around here giggle. Oh I love that. And so you can tell when you're around me if I got Barbara sitting here she can tell when I have giggle grace and when I have don't have it. Yep. And I just got so things that I noticed now when we get to the bigger things. Bigger things in life. Family, ministry, saving the nation. I mean big stuff. When we get to that I can tell whether grace is working. Our worry is working. Our fear is trying to crowd in. Because I don't have a giggle. Mm. I don't have like oh it's going to be okay. Somehow it's going to work out. I don't understand it right now but it's okay. And so that's how I started understanding. That was years and years ago. That's how I started understanding that grace was working when it was working when it wasn't. So when it wasn't working I did the same pattern. I go before his mercy seat. I say Jesus I need you. Uh I'm not thinking straight. I'm worrying about this. I'm upset. I'm maddering fire. That's what we're saying Georgia and Texas. Yep. And so I need to get that out of me. I'm not seeing this correctly. I know something is wrong in my belief system or my pattern of thinking, that pattern in our brain and I I need it changed but I I can't change it myself. Would you please help me, sir? And then I start gaining grace and you, I don't even know how to tell you, get it, except on your knees and it works. Mm hmm. And you just start thinking different. You may start thinking differently right then or it might take a little while. One time it took me and 20 days. I did 120 day deal. I was worried about some and I couldn't roll the care of it over and I was madder and fire about it and I blow up inside. I didn't blow up outside but inside I you know and so I said Lord how we going to do this? And he said we'll just get first Peter chapter five learn how to roll the care of it over on me and I said alright I know how to grow corn so here we go 120 days so every day for like five minutes I open my Bible I read the verses I made a note on and today I'm still mad on fire. Wow. Thinking about that specific thing. Is that what it was? Mad as I was but I'm still mad. Wow. 60 days later while I'm crying about it today because I'm really feeling sorry for myself in this situation. So anyway at 120 days I was like is it in there? Wow. It wasn't there and the trial and the test came right after that and but it about about happened and somebody said, what do you think about that? And I said, well, I don't care and then I went, you're like, what happened? Was I lying? Was that really cheap? And I was, I'm looking inside and I said, you did it, Jesus. I know. That was 20 plus years ago to this day that thing doesn't bother me. I mean just like I go like well I don't know what to tell you. So when you when you were reading scripture Ginger wasn't no grace is working. Was it were you going back to first Peter five? Is that what you're going back to when you're reading the scripture? So it's five minutes of basically kind of going back through that. Yeah first Peter five it and you know I don't know if everybody likes Amplified Bible like I do but the classic is the best. I don't like that new amplified Bible. I don't do that one. But first Peter five and and then you start start with actually verse five. Five stands for grace. Did you know that? Yeah I know that's so cool. Five you got double grace. I like that. I need double grace a lot of times. Okay. For God sets himself against the proud. The overbearing and all that and frustration. But he gives grace. Favor. Bless. To the humble. And so that's what I'd started. So humble yourself in your own estimation. See Moses stuff will go through. I don't know how we got over here. We were doing prophecy. But anyway Moses stuff we're going through is pride. Yeah. While they put onions on my hamburger and I told them not to. Don't they know who I am? Man. Hello. Come on. Like whatever. You know like what it describe the onions off and eat it. You'll be alright. It's no big deal. Verse seven in the whole of your care over on the Lord. All your worries. And this is where God showed me. All your concern. All your fears. All your anxieties. Mm. Once and for all. And don't you know how many times I did that over that thing but it never worked until I did that that day and I said grace is going to work in this woman's heart. I'm going to get so I'm not concerned about that at all. Wow. So anyway we were talking about prophecy. What happened? Well we what happened was we got to the end of Revelation 2221, which is grace of Jesus and that is that was the end of Revelation. Um it's beginning. It's the beginning. Exactly. It's the end of that book but it's the just think when we go before the lord. Yep. We're going to go and see him seated on mercy with his throne of grace. Mm hmm. That's how we're going to see Jesus. Ain't that cool? I think it's so cool and I think this is a concern for a lot of people. I know it is for me so I'm learning a lot like okay how do I deal with this because there are things in my life that I'm like man I really don't like the way that I respond to that but I don't know how to change that and and so that this is huge going to the throne of mercy going to God and his mercy and then asking for the grace and even giving us practical tips like okay well you can go to first Peter Five five. Start there. Read, you know, you could do that daily and how do I feel about this? Is this changing in my heart and allowing God to help make those changes? Mark four, Jesus said, this farmer said, you have to think seed, time, and harvest. This farmer goes out and he plants this field. So, the first thing we're doing is plant our heart and saying, lord, there's stuff in there I don't like. Mm hmm. And you don't like it and people don't like it and I'm hurting people and I don't like that. That's not what want to do. That's not how I want to live my life. So you're plowing. Plowing. Remember? Jeremiah plowing up the field. Yep. And then Jesus said you put that seed in there so you take first Peter five five. I'm like okay I'm rolling the care of it. I don't know exactly I'm going to pitch you the ball Jesus. It might come back to me but I won't do it again. I'm going to do it again. Do it again. And you're just studying. It takes five or 10 minutes. This thing is a problem to me. And I mean he knows a Truth. Telling the truth. I'm madder and firm about this. I don't think they're treating me right. I don't like it. You know, you tell God the whole thing as if he doesn't know and but you keep saying, I'm going to roll with care of this. I'm going to get to the place to where it is not going to bother me. Mm hmm. I'm going to get to the place to where you've got this and this is what God told me. He said, you be responsible because I'm very very responsible to a fault sometimes. You be responsible for your part but the part that you can't carry is the fear, the anxiety, the hurt, the rejection, the pain, the memory. You can't do that. You're not tough enough and you're not big enough. There will be a reaction to that. Let me carry that part. Let me, that's what you're giving me. You're giving me that. Let me do that. You just do part. If you say something stupid, go back and apologize. That's my part. If if you need to make amends and go back and do it, fix it. And your part is to get to where that grace has penetrated that wrong thinking, those corporate places and make them straight. And that's Isaiah forty. We're talking about prophecy again. Coming back to prophecy. The testimony of Jesus. And when I tell this story I I'm still living this out with that situation still unbothered me one bit. Hm. It's like whatever. I can just keep going on. It just I I'm telling you it changed me. So when I get like that and I I call it sin. I get sin in my life and I'm madder and fire about something. Okay. Okay. I call him Boaz. I said alright Lord Boaz. I said here we go. And I just get me a little piece of paper and every day I mark it down. And for me it took 1120 days because Jesus said in Mark four if I horn so I know how to plant corn. Mhm. Takes 120 days. And so Jesus said there comes the time though that when the farmer goes out there he goes oh I see a whole stock and I see there's three ears of corn and they're totally full after 120 days. Wow. And you don't even know how it happened. You're going to sleep and waking up. Going to sleep. Doing life. Working. Eating, sleeping, walking. And then 1 day you go oh my God. They put onions on my hamburger and I think it's funny. Now I scrape the onions off and eat the hamburger. Now you got Giggle Grace. That is that is really cool. So, okay. So, you ended with grace which is really the beginning in Revelation. It's just another beginning but we had talked about obviously Genesis is the beginning and it is prophetic. Uh Revelation 1910 was the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy and then there's also a Revelation twenty-two nine which isn't that the same thing like it's the second time that John bowed to a a an angel. An angel's like no no no no don't worship me. Um and what happened on that second time? The key point I was making there is John receiving revelation about the prophecy about Jesus came from worship. That's the important part. Now he didn't have it exactly right because he thought that guy was an angel or something rather. And he said no no no I'm just like you. And so his heart was to worship. He was in the spirit on the Lord's day. Revelation three when he comes and he knocks on the door, do we have that spirit of worship on the inside of us? Are we ready to worship God? Do are we literally worshiping God? Are we in the kitchen fussing at our kids or a wife or husband or whatever? Are we where's that spirit of worship? When that spirit of worship comes then that begins to unfold revelation to us. When we're worshiping God in the beginning God. And then we come all the way. This is now this what prophecy is all about. Do you see Jesus? Do you see his grace? Do you see his mercy? Do you see his forgiveness? Do you see when he comes to spanky because you need a whooping. Cuz he does. He gets it straightened out which I'm glad. Yep. It used to scare me when I read that. He chastises nope. I wasn't so excited about that. I'd come from a bad situation in my childhood and so I just start talking about going to beat me then I'm like whoa neighborhood. You know back up here. But then I realized no that's more than what he was talking about. A loving kind Heavenly Father is just going I love you. I'm going to help you. We need to get rid of this deep this stupid thinking you got but we're going to work on it together. That's what a father would do. Yes. That's what a mother who loves you would do. That's what somebody who loves you would do. That's a yeah now you got something wrong with you. You got an itch in your armor. But together we can work it out. And so that's what I see in worship. And we begin to honor God. And I think sometimes we're really we say we how many times you go to church on Sunday? Say I went to a worship service. Did you? Oh Did you really? Wow. Worship is a life you live. Not a song you sing. I remember you saying that last time like you are always worshiping and that's what helped me make sense of what Bill Johnson said to Jen Johnson when they were getting ready to go to church. She was leading worship that night. She had been doing mama things during the day and she goes off with my mama hat on with my worship hat and Bill Johnson said to her, your worship hat should never come off and I thought, oh and I remember you saying that last time that makes it so much sense that worship is a lifestyle. It's just who you are. It's what you do. Yeah. It it's in you it gets in your skin and gets in your insight. It gets in your thinking and it's so easy for quote chastisement for the Holy Spirit to come and give you an auction today. Uh you got a couple of things we need to talk about. Mm hmm. But it makes you want to. Right. And I I talked so much about sharing my daughter. The heart thing was ever for me to discipline her in any way. Big old brown eyes like this. And I would be I'd say we're going to have to deal with this. She'd be two or three years old. Big old crocodile tears coming down and she'd go get a switch or a paddle or whatever you know and she'd she'd come up and and this is I swear to you this is the truth. She would say mom I know you're doing this because you love me. Oh wow. Oh my God. Whoa. And I go look Jesus help me. I can't do this. And I'd end up just holding my arms and crying like a baby because I think Jesus that's what you do to us. Mm hmm. When you want us to change. Yep. We just go Lord I know you're talking to me about this because you love me. Mm hmm. And you want to help me. And he's good. He's absolutely good. Just like Robin Bullock says God had given that revelation to Robin many years ago that that he's not just good. He's absolutely good in every way. There is no bad in him. There's there's nothing in him that's bad in any way which that's why you know as humans sometimes it's hard to maybe trust God you know be like oh do I want to give you all of that or even saying you know God put me through the refiner's fire that you would actually trust him that he's a good father and that he knows exactly what you need and he's not going to take it really fast and now you're really hurt it's really a process because he loves you and he always sees the end end goal But it once you understand things are happening a lot of times stuff happens to us because we act like a ding dong and we open the door for Satan to come in. Mhm. Sometimes he just does it because he hates us. I mean what? A a baby? I mean like what what did they do? Nothing. Remember when Jesus said they said who who was his fault? Was this guy did he sin when he was in his mother's womb? Mm hmm. Or was it John's fault? And Jesus want neither one of y'all. Come on. Knock it off. Mhm. And so we got to realize things happen. And but we get to the place where Lord show me how I can change because you know your emphasis really Stacey it gets more on am I hurting you? Mm. If I'm hurting you I want to change that. And when you start maturing in the Lord it's not about me. Am I going to be alright at the end of the day? At the end of the day it's just like a a grown up man who's a real father that goes out. He takes care of his kids. He does fixes Whatever needs to be fixed and he's overshadowing his wife and his kids. He even when he's tired and when he's got blisters on his hands and when he wants to sleep and he wants to eat and he don't want to work but he does it anyway and so because he's thinking about his children. Mhm. And so that's how you get. You start maturing and you're not thinking about well somebody hurt my feelings. You know somebody upset me. You're thinking oh my God. I feel that on the inside of me. What can I do to help? And maybe all you can do is pray. Or maybe send a nice word at the right time. And so it it begins to changes and I'm not saying I'm mature because I still have temper tantrums. I want everybody to know I think I'm everybody that's in here can say that. My people in here go yeah but anyway but the thing is we get so we're more concerned about the other person than we are ourselves and that's how Jesus lives and that's how your father lives. He's not concerned about whether you worship him or not. He doesn't need your worship. Mhm. What does he need? He's God. We need to worship him. Yes, that's so good. Okay, Ginger, what is the difference between because I've heard these two words before? Prophecy and Revelation. Is there a difference and what is the difference? Revelation to me is when you prophecy is when we're talking about the person of Jesus. We're we're testifying to about the power of his blood. We're testifying as who he is and what he's doing and and and what he can do for you and all that. Prophecy telling about what's coming down the pike and how we can take care of it or how we can change it, how we can alter it or whatever but Revelation is when you really begin to understand who he is what's going on in the world what and how what your part is what you can do you start getting you begin to see Jesus's heart and then when you see his heart you go like help me to see through revelation where I fit in all of this so that I can fulfill my destiny and my purpose and so we start getting it's Revelation comes to us and if it's prophetic revelation it's like instant. Some type I don't even know how to explain it. It's like a breath of air. I call it a whirlwind sometimes. You just you start experiencing things. You start knowing things. You start seeing things. You start knowing hey I need to do this right now. I need to take care of that. I need to call this person. I need to help. Oh I need to make sure it it's a revelation. Or just like things going on in our nation right now. That revelation that insight. Oh I can see. Oh that's what they're doing. So you're getting revealed knowledge. But it's prophetic in that you're seeing okay I see this thing. Okay Jesus now come back here. You tell me what my part in this. Am I only to pray? Do I need to go do this or that? And so Revelation is when it begins to make sense to you. I I call it Texas sense. It begins to make sense and and so the spirit of God can start bubbling up inside you or breathing on you or you just know to do something. Like I said I call it whirlwind because it happens to me a lot of times and if I have a word for somebody it's just like I might be standing there not even thinking I got a word. I just like whatever. You know I'm thinking like I don't know what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about this or that or praying about the other thing and then I think I think I got something I need to tell you. And it comes by inspiration. And it's just like the book I've been signing. You know I told you about that yesterday when we were talking that this book I didn't even know this person and anyway I put down what I thought the Lord said to this person then someone called me and said I just want you to know who this person is that you wrote the book to. The the note on. It was inspiration. Mhm. I didn't even know who the person was. And this is what you said and we went we verified with him what you say was accurate and I was like whoa neighborhood that's cool wow no kidding I was like whoa so that's like this bubbling up see the prophetic comes out of it but you've got to gain revelation revealed knowledge of what true prophecy is true prophecy is who is Jesus and who he is right now today in the situation we're in. Prophetic We're talking about what's going on Israel. We're talking about these warships down there in Miami and all that stuff. Mhm. So what does that mean? Just because you get knowledge doesn't mean you have revelation. What is my part in this? What can I do? How can I help? We have the upcoming elections. We might know this or know that or then you said this but then you start getting revelation. You start getting breathed on and you go okay this I can do this and that will help. I can write this book and that will help. Okay. Or I can be on this or whatever it is that God's telling you to do. And so Revelation has to come to where we begin to have we don't just have knowledge but we have I think Isaiah eleven is like you can't always awesome. It's the seven spirits of God. Read it out of the passion translation and then read all the footnotes. It's how to do Things. The spirit comes upon you. The Holy Spirit come. I know it's talking about Jesus. I understand that. That the spirit of God comes on you and you just know how to fix this problem. You just know how to maneuver navigate through this this bad place that you're in. You you know how to help the nation navigate through some or family or how to get the other side. If someone is sick you you know what is going on. And so you start getting this Revelation of the anointings from the Holy Spirit that he gives you, it gets, it's real. It becomes real and you go, okay. You don't try to do it all, you just do your part. Whatever you, if you're a right hand, you do a right hand. If you're a knee, you do a knee. You know what I'm saying? Yup. Does that help you? As the body of Christ, yeah, that helps a lot. So then, when we hear about like things like prophetic giftings, what exactly is that and what does that mean? Well, doesn't necessarily mean you're in the office of a prophet. Prophetic gifting is I don't know how we even got got those words. Yeah. But if you're born again. Got the Holy Spirit, you're prophetic, okay? Because the Holy Spirit is what? He tells us things to come. Yep. He explains stuff from the past, the word of knowledge, you've heard that, the word of wisdom, the word of understanding. We got this discerning of spirits and all that. So we've got that but what we do is we're prophetic. Like I told you whole Bible is prophetic. Prophetic is the ability to see knowledge, gain understanding, and be able to deal with the situation. Know what to do in the future. Prophetic understanding. So we can be prophetic. We're all prophetic. I mean like the nine spiritual gifts. One of them is that gift of prophecy. Encouraging. Mhm. Admonishing. Building somebody up. You just know you Supposed to call somebody and encourage them. Hey, it's going to be okay. You're going to get through this. We're going to get to the other side of this and you start giving some scripture, something, encourage them, that's prophetic but then the office of a prophet carries the level of authority for that particular office. Mm hmm. And so that person then prophesies from the office or the authority and the power of the office, the five-fold office. So, would have to spend more time talking about that but the other thing to be prophetic why don't we do this Stacey let's just do what God is doing right now everything is about the prophetic yes right now everything's about the prophet we're trying to get from the prophet to the apostolic because what we've had is the pastor yes the pastor the pastor the teacher the teacher awesome wonderful thank you lord Jesus I've done that all these years since nineteen 81. Okay, so we've had that. Now, God is ministering to us. Look, get up. We're about to lose our nation. We gotta get some prophecy here. We gotta be able to see what's around the corner. We gotta be able to see what's going on. Come on. Yup. Now, don't just teach me ten more scriptures. I got that part. Mm hmm. I need to know what do I and what do I do about it today? Mm hmm. People are saying, what do I need to do about my money? What do I need to do about my health? What do I need to do about my family? Where do I need to live? That is the that prophetic unction in you. God's trying to give you answers. And that's really important and so again I would just want to address the office of a prophet is different than being prophetic. There's a there's you know the five-fold ministry. One of them being the office of the prophet which that is when somebody is like let's say a Robin Bullock or a Hank Kunaman or something like that and they're considered in the office of a prophet. Um how did that happen? Did some Somebody tell them, hey, you're a prophet. How typically, I don't, I'm not saying their specific situation but how typically does somebody step into that office and then and then you have the body of Christ which are we're all prophetic but there is a specific person that is the office of a prophet. Well, it's just how does a guy get or a woman get to become a pastor. How do how do you do? It's the same thing written in the Bible. God calls. Boom. You, I want you to be in the five-fold ministry. Boom. This is what I want you to do. Now that is progressive understanding and progressive because we're being trained. We're being taught and time begins to prove our gift. Mhm. If you've got the gift of Pastor and after a while it's going to prove itself out. And other people will recognize it's the office. But it's something between you and God. Yep. It's this way. But it's the same thing with the the prophet. You just don't get up one day and go okay well I was praying this morning. God told me I was a prophet. Right. No. Uh You see how he did. I mean Jeremiah was coming along and God said hey I need you to be a prophet and goes hey I can't do that. Don't you understand? I'm this kid. I'm going to get in trouble and God said wait a minute. I want to talk to you about before when you were in your mother's womb. Right. So but it took a while for God to talk him into understanding what he was doing. And it's the same as a teacher or an evangelist but people will wreck that on you and then we know from the book of Acts like Acts Acts 13 they begin to see okay this gift of the fivehold the office is standing out more in your life than this gift over here or this gift or God can change over a period of time I started out I didn't even know if there was a five whole teacher in the Bible I had no idea we were in the Baptist Church I didn't even know what it was I knew I could be a Sunday school teacher and I knew it could teach training and so I did that years and years and years and then when we went into full-time ministry, I was like, oh, I guess there's another level but I could tell you when I stepped into the office of a teacher 5fold, there was a definite anointing came because I don't care if I was talking to you about going and getting a milkshake. I was going to teach you how to do it. I just started teaching. In fact, everybody knows me and go, she can't talk without teaching and I go, I try. But the teaching comes out. But then I remembered the day that God said I want to give you a pastor's heart and I said mate Lord I'd rather just take the Bible and knock the fire out of them. Get them straightened out. Come on. Hellfire and damnation. And I said how am I going to do this? I just want to teach them. Tell them behave and go on. And he said I'll put it in your heart. And I can tell you the very moment and the day it was sitting there. And all of a sudden my heart changed. I'm Passion, everything changed. My thinking changed but I wasn't recognized in that office for a long long time after that but I pastored people. Mhm. I mean if I told you some of the stuff I did you just laugh. I did crazy things. I'd be teaching one time they this lady had a baby. And she had to stay at the hospital so the baby's twenty-four hours old. So I had the baby in the little carrier beside me. And I'm up and started Bible school. So I'm up teaching. I got the microphone. I got the baby here. I got the bottle. I got the diapers. I took care of that baby for two weeks. I didn't sleep for two weeks taking care of that baby. Yeah I had a pastor's heart. Yeah. And so it started manifesting. And then he started dimming with me about other things. And so and it starts showing in your life. But people recognize it. Then those that are in the five hole ministry start recognizing that gift on you. You can't hide gift. It's in there. It it'll come out eventually. But that's fivefold. It's totally different from the rest of Ministry of Health's organization, governments, and all that as well. And those ministries are very very important. In fact sometimes I think they're more important than the fivefold. Because we've got to have that in order for anything to work. Mhm. And so but God does that. He he will work in people and you'll know it's slow. It's not just I mean it might be instant when he comes Doc he did that day with me about the pastor and I was like how is this going to work Lord but what Ever. If you think you can make it happen, let's go for it. Ever and that was many years ago. Wow. Does that make sense? It does. It does. Okay so so you have the prophets which now the prophets you were talking about like you know pastors have been on the scene. All of that are on the scene but the prophets and the significance of it right now. Even when you read the Bible and you hear about prophets. They were talking to kings. They were the ones that were like hey you know this Is what God's saying. You need to straighten up. You know that that was happening and that's where we are right now as a nation. Really in our world. And I think that's really the significance of these prophets and why they're on the scene right now. Because God talks to his prophets first then he talks to us. Yep. He don't talk to the pastor first or the teacher or the evangelist or the apostle. Mhm. He said whatever I'm going to do I'm going to talk to my prophets first. And so it's important. And it is it's so serious. When I started this ministry, this particular ministry in 91 Annie and Kim and me used to lay on the floor in the bedroom. And we would pray. We were praying for this nation. We had an assignment pray for this nation. That was our main prayer. I can't even tell you the hours, the months, the years, the days that we spent praying for the prophet and the king or the prophet and the president of the United States to come together because the leadership has to hear. The Bible does not say God's going to talk to the President of the United States of America first. Then he's going to talk to y'all. That's what he said. So just go by what he says. I'm going to talk to the prophet. Then that prophet's going to tell y'all. And so we pray untold years. I have no only God can keep up with what we pray. We prayed for those to come together. We're Finally, I was a bucket of tears a few days ago when I learned something. I heard about something, a meeting and I said, when we were in Detroit, I could hardly keep myself together. That night, I was like, oh my God. Jesus, you're answering my prayers. Wow. I remembered laying on the floor crying in the carpet interceding that this day would happen. I'm not the only one that's probably jillions of us out there but I know what happened to me and Kim and Annie and I got a hold of Annie and I said, Annie, guess what? I said, remember those days? Isn't that amazing? It's amazing. It's and now you have you know, Eric Trump contacting Clay Clark saying, we need a prayer time and now you've got you know, Amanda Grace, a prophet, you know, Robin Bullock, a prophet. You've got, you know, all of these people that are coming together for a day of time of prayer for President Trump and the people surrounding him and I do know that President Trump has seen the Kim Clement of prophecies and I know that he was very interested in that that when he was watching him he actually asked everybody to stop what they were doing don't come in don't distract me and then he would say okay no how does he know that about me you know wait wait how did this happen like majorly interested in prophetic words that were surrounding what's going on right now and obviously Kim never see had never saw that come to fruition in his life while he was here but now we're seeing it today. Prophetic words that God gave him in 2010 and 2014, 2015. It's exciting and then President Trump is aware and he's hungry for that. Yes and you talked about Kim Clement didn't but his voice the voice of his blood, his voice still speak Mm hmm. Isaiah is still speaking to us today. Jeremiah, I live in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah still speaking. I don't care if they were 2000 years ago or 6, 000 years ago. It doesn't matter. God knows how to keep speaking and he speaks through the prophets to tell us what we need to know and what we need to do then this is so much information but then we have to take that information from the prophets and say here it is father. What is my part in this? How do I do this? How do what do you want me to do about this? And how does this affect me and my family? Mm hmm. How a prophecy is going to affect me at my age here by myself, my long you know my kids are all grown. My grand kids are all grown and married. I got great grandkids. How I would see a prophecy would be different that like my granddaughter that has two children. Mhm. She would see that prophecy differently because of her age and what and what's going on. Sure. And so we have to take their words and say Father help me understand how do I pray these words out. How do I apply them to my life. How do I help in this situation that's going on in our nation and in the world right now? What do I say? What is what is my part? I'm telling you Stacey, if people would do that, this nation could change in a heartbeat. Wow and that's called Revelation. They're praying and asking for revelation. Yeah. Your revelation about what they're saying but we need to be praying for the prophets so that they can they're hearing, they're hearing that, can't they? Yes. Okay. So, two things are happening just in this session three that we need to be aware of is understanding what our job is in prophetically praying and that is praying for the prophets, protection over them, making sure they're accurately hearing and then the second thing would be for us to be taking these words and asking God, what do I do with them like how how what's the revelation that I need to move forward during this time? Mm hmm. That's exactly right and if we learn to do that, we'd stop fussing about the prophets. Mm. We learned do that then what we would start doing is doing our part and we'd stop fussing against each other. We'd work with each other. Because like if you're a left arm there's nothing wrong with the left arm. But the left arm doesn't need to get mad at the right arm because it's not a right arm. What we need to do is work together. And so I I've really got this Stacey. I can tell you. I've got this. I've you know I've written a new book's going to come out in September. Trying to get people know how to work with the prophets and stop this nonsense of fussing. Yep. And I don't know. Bunch of that stuff. I'm telling you what needs to stop because that's how to tear up a kingdom. It's what Jesus said. A kingdom divided us against itself is going to be out of here. Yes. So anyhow. That that is Ginger in there. I can't wait Ginger. I wish your book was out now. I'm really looking forward to the book coming out in September. Uh this book obviously we've talked about it so many times. Um His bloodspeaks. This is life changing for me and for people that I've given it to. We last night we had a Zoom call with you with our intercessors. They absolutely loved it. They have all read the book. It's been life changing for them as well. So Flyover Family I just want you to know if you don't have this book you need to get this book. Trust me you need to get it. It's a 31 day devotional. It's so simple to read. It's not like oh I gotta read the whole thing in one setting. You don't want to do that anyway. It's day one, day two, day three, and you just go with whatever the day is. So if you get the book and you receive it on the twenty-fourth, you just start on day twenty-four and then, when you come back to the next month, then, start, you know, day one, day two, day three. This book, I'm telling you, this is how we take up authority right now during this time. It's all about the blood of Jesus and you can get it by going to Ginger Ziglar. com and it's Z I E G L E R dot com. I don't know how long she can do it but she is signing them. She's receiving them off Ginger Ziggler. Don't no we're not going to say that's forever but at this point she has been doing it which has been amazing when I have mine at the at the front of mine and I go through it as a reminder and there are things in here that she wrote to me before we really even knew each other and very well at all and there's things in here I'm like okay I need to be aware of this. There's some things there's a warning in here that I'm like okay I need to be aware of this and and I'm so thankful for Ginger for your time, for your team. This book is phenomenal. So you need to do that. The prayer notes from today's if you want to get this, this is great. This is the outline as well as some questions that you can fill out. Um you just text the phone number four zero five zero nine. Text the letters G Z as in Ginger Ziggler four zero five zero nine G Z. When you do text that, you do get the session one, two, and now session three. Um so you'll want to get that and you can even take notes. You can put this in your Bible which that's what I've done with my different and my different one just so you guys know the different ones that I've had. I have notes everywhere and I come back to them and I'm reading them because this is extremely helpful in learning how do we pray prophetically and what does that look like in our life? So Ginger before I let you go, would you be willing to pray for the flyover listeners? I I would really appreciate. I know that they would as well. Yes and I do want to share couple of things. Sure. Um make sure that I never ask for an offering and If people do want to do it, they really need to do it through the website. Okay. Angel Ziegler. com. Some people are trying to be sneaky. You got people trying to take your name. About the book. Uh. What does what it does the book does is it reveals your destiny because of the life that is in the blood of Jesus Christ and that this book is me. From one to the other and I did it like Proverbs because I have to read Proverbs so I can have enough sense to get through a day. So wise to do that. Yeah so if you if you're listening today ginger reads a proverb every single day and I love how you told me before is sometimes you'll even change up like you know you'll do passion this time and amplified classic another time and maybe New King James you know you'll you'll change it up a little bit which is fun to keep it fresh also to see okay what is this what's it saying here I love the Passion Translation as well and Ginger and Krista got me the Isaiah book I love it just so you know I have really been enjoying in the passion the footnotes and reading this and all of that means so thank you so much for that I'm I'm loving it and I want I want to say that I thank you for allowing me to be on and all you partners and people that are standing with Flyover the Lord is showing us the growth that he's going to be giving to them they're already extending their arms further out and they need your prayers they need your prayers they need your prayers and they need your help and your support and so I just want to encourage you to share to participate and get involved in whatever they're telling you because I already know them and they're not in this to do this or that or the other thing they're in it because their heart is pure before the Lord Jesus Christ and so I just want you to understand that because that's where we are right now and we're at a critical time. You've got to do your part. We can't keep doing our part and ten other people's parts. We need you to do your part. We need everybody working together. So Father God I extend your heart to these people. And I'm asking Lord for you according to your word. Acts two to start giving them dreams with the interpretation from the written word of God visions where they really have true visions not just something that they thought up in their mind but a real vision from you father so they can see what they need to do that anointing that ability to understand and to know what a real vision is and how to work with it what to do when to say when not to say and father for prophecies. Just the simple gift of prophecy. The simple gift of just encouraging somebody that could help them to make it from today till tomorrow. Or be able to get to the place where they could see what you're saying to them and hear what they're saying. So Father we just extend our faith in you to go out and reach these people. To where it's not just a game and it's not oh yeah and this also you know had this prophecy and that. No it's serious Father. It's you talking to us. It's you directing us. It's you telling them what they need to do today to get prepared for the rest of this day and tomorrow. Lord, allow them to be surrounded with people of like precious faith so they can have a camaraderie of unity and no division lord that just like first Corinthians chapter one verses one through ten says that we can have the same mind the same heart saying the same thing so that there's no divisions there's no stuff happening lord but only you so that we can bring our nation bring the body of Christ this move of God into fullness like you want it lord the outpouring of your great grace Acts 4thirty-three signs wonder miracles. No need among us. Father, Bill Hammond said it's an all sa
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