Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies W/Free Speech, Project 2025, & Social Security Data Breach

6 months ago

Well, I guess this is part three of the trilogy saga of headlines and whatnot. I went over why free speech is really on the line as truth is treason in the empire of lies. The controllers want to destroy free speech because it suits their power and control 1984 Orwellian style. Truth is the first casualty of War. There's no reasoning with evil psychopaths, including order followers who would obey orders no matter how evil they are.
Plus, I found additional information about Project 2025 that may involve raising taxes. As they believe they could regulate the IRS and so forth. In reality there is no regulating these agencies when they are corrupt. No different from the national, state, and local level. Project 2025 is another way of increasing more authoritarian control.
Our system is so corrupt and messed up there is no regulating it, when you solve one problem you add ten more. It's going to collapse eventually. We have cultural, conformist, moral, philosophical, psychological, physical, and spiritual issues. The battle of good vs evil will continue no matter what happens. Why vote for those to rob and rule you better? Voting is a suggestion box for slaves, no different than taxation is legalized theft.
There is a public service announcement in case if your Social Security number was one of the 2.9 billion leaked of the massive data breach. Who benefits? Is the so-called solution Digital ID? If so, don't fall for it. Why bother having a SS # when it can be exploited for evil purposes? Why go along with bad policies, rules, etc. the fault will be on you? None of us are perfect, but you know better and it's evil, you will be held accountable in this life or in the next? Do what you can to protect yourselves and why have others have authority over your life and/or property? Question everything. I don't always have all of the answers, neither do you. BTW, I don't always remember what I need to say when I make videos such as this. At times, I am more proficient in writing. We all make mistakes and it's okay.

Talking W/Headlines, Free Speech, Project 2025, Most Important Election 🤔& Ballet Graceful Moves 🤣

Project 2025
922 pages of insanity

Trump's so-called 20 core promises to MAGA

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested: A Blow to Free Speech

Dr. Anthony Fauci Hospitalized for Six Days with West Nile Virus, Now Recovering at Home
Too bad the Eugenicist genome recovered. Was he replaced by another clone or a double?

UK teachers could be forced to report students for ‘misogyny’

Hackers May Have Stolen Every American's Social Security Number From Background Check Firm

Top 10 Fraud Protection Services of 2024
Stay ahead of scammers & fraudsters

Fraud Alert Reporting from three companies
Action Fraud (UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and internet crime): 0300 123 2040 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm)
Equifax: 888-836-6351 (automated line) or 1-800-685-1111 (customer service)
Experian: No specific phone number mentioned in the search results.
But found their phone #: 1-888-397-3742
Experian’s fraud reporting center online at, or by mail at Experian Fraud Center, P.O. Box 9530, Allen, TX 75013.

TransUnion are pushing for more fraud alert reporting online rather speaking with a representative on the phone.
Phone#: 1-888-909-8872
TransUnion's phone and computer system is really messed up with bad customer service. Transparency is not good as they claim to be and depends with whom you are speaking with. Look into this for yourself.

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