Freedom, Technology & Sovereignty [Efrat on Robin Seyr’s Podcast] | You're The Voice Ep. 39

6 months ago

This is a guest episode - Robin Seyr interviewed me on his podcast, and I decided to share it on “You’re The Voice”.
Our conversation explores the relationship between fiat currency and wars, with a focus on the situation in Israel. It is suggested that fiat currency enables wars and that the modern society's incentive structure encourages negative behavior. The conversation also delves into the potential impact of a Bitcoin standard on wars, with the belief that it could change the incentive structure and promote fairness. The importance of humility and kindness in the Bitcoin industry is highlighted, as well as the potential for the industry to inspire positive change. Efrat Fenigson discusses the importance of spirituality and reconnecting with oneself, the need for women to promote themselves and take initiative, and the value of teaching children about inflation and the flaws of the fiat system.

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00:00 Intro by Efrat
01:30 Discussion on the Current Situation in Israel
05:00 The Incentive Structure of Modern Society and its Relationship with War
10:⁠00 The Manipulation of Fear in Supporting Wars
24:00 The Potential Impact of a Bitcoin Standard on the Incentive Structure
42:00 The Bitcoin Startup Ecosystem and the Importance of Higher Thresholds
43:43 Efrat’s Takeaways from Her Podcasts
45:20 Staying Humble, Being Kind & Communicative
52:30 Exploring Efrat’s Podcast Topics
1:01:⁠30 The Importance of Female Representation in Podcasting
1:19:00 Spirituality as a Research Topic for Efrat
1:26:00 Teaching Kids About Bitcoin: Starting with Inflation

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