SHUV SHOW: “What’s the Best Form of Government” Christene Jackman

1 month ago

“What’s the Best Form of Government”
Spoiler: I bet God knows
Christene Jackman ©8.19.2024

"Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman . . . Tonight’s topic is: What’s the best form of Government? But first, under the category: “Things I do not understand”

1. I do not understand how a closed kitchen drawer in which you only place clean silverware can collect crumbs??

2. I cannot comprehend why dropped things insist on rolling to the most inaccessible place ever?

3. How on earth can you possibly fold a fitted sheet neatly? I start off good, but invariably give up and roll it into a ball.

4. And I don’t understand why some in the media, pundits, and others insist on referring to the United States as a democracy? It is not. America is a Constitutional Federal Republic. “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. “And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God …” The distinction is imperative. Here’s the contrast between the two:

“There is a difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy. A democracy is run by people and a republic is run by the laws of constitution. Constitutional Republic is a system of laws to protect citizens and contain government.”

“A constitutional (federal) republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution.”

“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Hello. A constitution with its systems of laws is not based on the fickle whims of the mob like in a democracy. A democracy, run by humans, can only hope to work if its people practice Godly principles. In our present sinful, broken state, that system’s destiny is malfunction. Democracy has the potential to devolve into tyranny.

FACT: The Foundational Written Torah, with its system of good laws was designed by the Creator Himself.
This constitution is a blood covenant, something the Western world has a tough time wrapping their brain around. God’s blood covenants are firm, unbending, and eternal. Because He never dies.
There are no amendments allowed to His established laws just because society forsakes moral standards. The laws within God’s Government never need changing, because God will not alter His holy standards.
I must state that fact again: God will not alter His holy standards. He won’t. Anyone who says so is a false teacher. The Almighty will not be untrue to His Eternal Nature. And thank God for that! . . . "

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