Who Is Running The Country? Biden Has An EMPTY SCHEDULE, Hops From Vacay In CA To Vacay In DE

5 months ago

Posted • August 26, 2024: We haven't really seen much of Joe Biden since he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Yeah, he's given a friendly interview or two (replete with lies, naturally) and his angry, rambling farewell speech at the DNC was buried at 11:30 pm. After that speech, Biden planned a week of vacation. That 'vacation' was at the home of a wealthy donor (gee, remember when it was a major scandal for Clarence Thomas to spend time with wealthy friends? We do.) Now Biden is jetting across the county to his beach home in Delaware. And at least one reporter noted Biden wasn't looking great: Biden's schedule is absolutely blank. Meanwhile, Emily Goodin reports Biden was "visibly shaking" as he exited AF1 in CA on Tuesday morning, and needed a boost from Secret Service agents just to get into his SUV. Who is running the country? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13778321/Michelle-Obama-feud-Biden-Kamala-Harris-DNC.html

Who gets the 3 am call if things go sideways in America or elsewhere? The Leader Of Free World 🌎 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GV5zUanaUAA7Nqk?format=jpg&name=900x900 -- Snoozing on the beach. And all the photojournalists and all the journalist with cameras on their phones just magically forgot to get video of it, huh? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GV6Qu0eXcAACo-I?format=jpg&name=large -- Magically. Remember -- the Left is okay with Biden being in frail health and still being president. His health was their excuse to boot him from the campaign when they realized he'd lose. What's the argument for him not resigning right now? There's four months and change until the inauguration, whoever wins. Well, this writer has a theory, echoed here: Making Harris the president now would be a disaster for her campaign. -- Fox Host slams Biden: "Wasn't he just on vacation last week?" -- Fox Reporter: "That was the California vacation, this is the Delaware vacation." -- Fox Host: "What vacation is he on next week?" (…)

Rumble: Biden Goes From A 5-Day Vacation At A Billionaire's CA Ranch To A 9-Day Vacation On A Delaware Beach
• More at: Twitchy - Who Is Running the Country? Biden Has an EMPTY SCHEDULE, Hops From Vacay in CA to Vacay in DE

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