The Song Of Moses-NOW THE END BEGINS-AUG 25 2024

5 months ago

Did you know that the crossing of the Hebrews at the Red Sea with Moses, which happened historically, is also a type of what will be fulfilled prophetically by the Jews and the Two Witnesses in the time of Jacob’s trouble? It’s true. All those events recorded back in Exodus point to a future time when God will once again keep His chosen people safe from the onslaught of Antichrist. Exciting stuff! On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking primarily at the Song of Moses first seen in the Old Testament at the Red Sea, and also seen in Revelation 15 when the Tribulation Saints get the victory over Antichrist during the time of Jacob’s trouble. We see the first song recorded in the Bible with the Song of Moses, the first dancing recorded in the Bible with Miriam, and in doing so, understand a little about the nature of what ‘worship music’ and ‘praise dancing’ should look like. Moses prophesying to Pharaoh was a type of the Two Witnesses facing Antichrist in Revelation, and Moses is also one of the Two Witnesses. He is a type of himself, tell me that doesn’t blow your mind. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we journey back in time to the Red Sea, journey forward in time to the Second Advent, and in doing so unlock some mighty mysteries nestled inside your King James 1611 Authorized Version Holy Bible.

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