Attn. Hack Media! Kamala Harris Tied HERSELF To Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal, Trump Merely Noticed

5 months ago

Posted • August 26, 2024: Today marks the third anniversary of the day 13 American service members died in a terrorist attack during Biden and Harris' disastrous and inept withdrawal from Afghanistan. The president attended a wreath laying service at Arlington National Cemetery. And by "president" we mean President Donald Trump, not Biden or Harris: President Trump is honoring the 13 U.S. service members killed in the withdrawal from Afghanistan at Arlington Cemetery. Biden is lying on a beach on vacation. Kamala Harris hasn’t said a word about them. -- Also at the time this story was published, ZERO of the Biden White House accounts (@JoeBiden, @POTUS and @WhiteHouse) mentioned the anniversary, not that we're very surprised. Only the @VP account made mention of the occasion.

We'll start with a reminder that Kamala Harris not long ago made it very clear that she had a role in the decision-making process leading up to the disastrous and deadly withdrawal: Kamala Harris was the last person in the room during the Afghanistan withdrawal. She said she was “comfortable” with her decision that led to 13 Americans dying 3 years ago. Never forget the 13 heroes who lost their lives and never forget who the last person in the room was. With that in mind, the media's approach will be hack-tastic as usual. The Associated Press is taking a "Trump pounces" approach by making it about Harris' opponent rather than her admitted direct role in the deadly withdrawal for which nobody's been held accountable: The Associated Press @AP: “Trump is expected to tie Harris to chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal in speech to National Guard.” -- Harris tied herself to the withdrawal and Trump merely noticed, but the AP's spin isn't unexpected. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Attn. Hack Media! Kamala Harris Tied HERSELF to Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal, Trump Merely Noticed

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