ShiftWatch 240829 receiving downloads, aurora impact explain, measured energy, Inner Earth Seraphim

6 months ago

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound
Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240829 - Episode 23

A recap of current multidimensional conditions

3:16 News
Sheila and I got together for Part Two of her series where we began by discussing what we mean when we describe the energetic changes taking place now. We are being bathed in higher spectrums of Light coming at us through our Sun. It’s raising the vibration of all sentient life in preparation for the imminent shift in Earth’s consciousness.

8:37 Space Weather Effects
In order to better understand record setting auroras and the current solar conditions, here Wages World shares an illustration of the impact this solar phenomena is having on auroras at both poles and how it happens. We are in solar maximum and the scientific expectation is that Earth will continue to sustain these conditions into 2026.
Wages World

13:23 Vibration matching
Helena Reznor from The Roz Files was onsite at Mount Shasta measuring the electromagnetic energies in the area. She mentions she is at Ascension Rock and my first visit to the area, I made the same mistake. She is actually at an outcropping known as the Tower of Love, which is just west of the parking lot in Red Fir Flat. What locals refer to as Ascension Rock is east of the same parking area. Regardless, she is sharing some scientific evidence of what she found.
The Roz Files

16:54 P.S.
Time to further illuminate Inner Earth … before we can bridge it with Ultra- and Extraterrestrial dimensions. Seraphim is the capital city of Shambhalla. Shambhalla, also referred to as Agartha, includes many Inner Earth cities. It the seventh dimensional beginnings of planet Earth at the crossroads of Inner Earth. It is home to the Galactic Federation Councils who oversee the welfare of Inner Earth and consequently all dimensional realms. If you are unsure of the attention Inner Earth and the idea of Shambhalla has been given, do your research on Nicholas Roerich and his wife who in the 1930’s were funded by the US Government with the support of President Roosevelt to underwrite the exploration of finding it. It will fascinating for you to hear their experiences (as there were two expeditions) and what little is really known about what they experienced when they went missing for five months.

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