Donna Appel - The Health Freedom Warrior - Vlog Entry Aug 23, 2024

6 months ago

The Health Freedom Warrior Addresses Positive Support Teams and Diet
Today Donna discusses having a supportive cheerleading team that keeps you focused and positive as you walk this path. This is #1 important – the most important. It’s tough to heal in a negative environment, in an environment filled with FEAR!!! And they should also be willing to lend a helping hand from time to time even if they just come by for a visit and a hug.

Education is the key to healing. We’ve been lied to about everything. Now we need to focus on relearning – knowing the truth – and walking in love, peace, and a focused current day mind set. It is all possible. Building your supportive community is the beginning followed by a new diet, a new/old way of eating. It’s a big challenge but I believe it will be the game changer for sure and for everyone, not just those with a debilitating disease.

Visit her Substack page for more specific information on the topics she is (or will be) discussing, like how to do a liver cleanse or what the best water to drink is.

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