Is There A Race of Nephilim Inhabiting The Solomon Islands in The South Pacific?

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Ancient documents from around the world talk about a race of men albeit giants that once were on the land. Bible scripture mentions them in a minimal extent but the book of 1 Enoch goes in the great detail about these entities that were bred through contact with human women and fallen angels. Scripture tells us that these entities lived before and after the flood of Noah’s time. Yeshua mentions that upon his return the world will be much like it was before the flood during Enoch’s. Seeing that we live in the last days of this current age it can easily be assumed and believed that giants also known as Nephilim exist today. This Tuesday we will look into accounts stating that a race of giants lives in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. The show starts Tuesday at noon on 0pposing The Matrix live on Rumble and Twitch.

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