6 months ago

What does power vs. force mean?
3:35 - FBE is an Inside Job
9:20 - The Children will be the Ones Waking up the Parents
12:30 - The'Child as Teacher’ Mindset
13:43 - Save our Future Generation
14:29 - Awareness is the First Step toward Change
18:00 - Power vs. Force and Knowing What Triggers you
19:03 - Human Emotional Vibration Chart
27:34 - How Would a Parent Figure All of this Out?
31:37 - Uplifting Tools
33:15 - Kids Today are Wired Differently
33:46 - We Are ALL Awakening to our Greater Selves
40:49 - We Are ALL Here to Learn
46:40 - A Unified Community Collaboration Model
48:49 - Become a Thinking, Analyzing Advocate
49:30 - Questions? Let Us Know!
50:00 - What Happens in Your Brain When you Learn?
53:00 - Knowledge About Yourself is Self- Empowerment

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