Oak Hill Church of Christ 8-25-24 Message: "The Cure For Loneliness"

6 months ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the peace that comes from knowing that God is always with us.

Some studies suggest that we're becoming a progressively lonelier society. Despite our technology and ability to transmit our thoughts and ideas, we're more distant than we ever were. After all, we spent a year, or more, oftentimes being required by law, to be lonely.

God understands how it feels to be lonely and rejected. Not only was He abandoned by His followers in the Old Testament, but His own Son, Jesus, was also despised and rejected. The people who Christ had come to minister to put up walls to keep him out. "We're doing just fine on our own." They said, "We don't need a savior, and if we did, he wouldn't be like you."

God, as revealed in the Bible and through the person of His Son, Jesus, has a heart for the lonely. He understands how it feels to be abandoned and rejected. He knows how it feels to be talked to only when someone wants Him to do them a favor.

If you're feeling lonely; if you've been feeling set apart by rising social tensions in your friends or family circle; if you feel like you're the only one who still knows what right and truth are, share your feelings with God.

He deeply wants to get to know you, to share with you a comforting Word for your spirit, and a reminder that no matter how others might behave, His love for you will never wane.

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