Catholic Gun-Grabbing and CIA Election Selections

2 months ago

The Roman Catholic Church wants your guns (here’s why).
Selections are coming up on the 5th of Nov.—here’s Johnny’s prediction.
Barack Obama’s connection to the C.I.A.
The secret agenda behind Godzilla was taken to new lows for the Legendary iterations.
The Adventist take on the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre is wrong. Here’s why.
Christian J. Pinto has a new Jesuit documentary. Who’s behind it, his mother?
JSD shares a disappeared documentary on serial child rapist Priest, Marcial Maciel; is he connected to the CIA?
Johnny’s hatred of James Delingpole started with flat Earth that indicates his Roman strings and his love of Netflix Catholicism.
John Wesley’s nickname shows who he really served.
The scamdemic goes on: from monkeypox in the U.K. to mosquitos in Massachusetts.
Johnny describes his slippery slope of science.
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The Police State: the only solution is revolution but they have more and better guns.
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