P151 Parash 47 Re’eh (see) 11:26 –16:17 Focus chapter 12

6 months ago

P151 Parash 47 Re’eh (see) 11:26 –16:17

D’varim/Deuteronomy 12 -
In this chapter orders are given to destroy all altars, pillars, groves, and images, made for the worship of idols in the land, Deu_12:1-3; and God’s service to be duly performed, Deu_12:4-7. The difference between the performance of that service in the wilderness and in the promised land, Deu_12:8-11. The people are to be happy in all their religious observances, Deu_12:12. The offerings must be brought to the place which God appoints, and no blood is to be eaten, Deu_12:13-16. The tithe of corn, wine, oil, etc., to be eaten in the place that God shall choose, Deu_12:17, Deu_12:18. The Levite must not be forsaken, Deu_12:19. All clean beasts may be eaten, but the blood must be poured out before the Lord, and be eaten on no pretense whatever, Deu_12:20-25. Of vows, burnt-offerings, etc., Deu_12:26, Deu_12:27. These precepts are to be carefully obeyed, Deu_12:28. Cautions against the abominations of the heathen, Deu_12:29-31. Nothing to be added to or diminished from the word of God, Deu_12:32.


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