Roth$child, Part 2

5 months ago

This latest episode of KNIGHT TIME continues a deep dive into the Rothschild dynasty and how the Bible has warned us of this for 2000 years and longer.

X "Rothschild Thread" link:

0:00 Pre-show intro with incredibly interesting dots to connect; IS IT ALL A TRICK?
3:50 This episode was intended to be the second half of Episode X
4:31: The Bible and its attention to money and the charms of this world; specific people Jesus was talking about; antichrist; wolves in sheep's clothing
5:31 Nathaniel ROTHSCHILD
6:27 Apocalypse of St John 2:9 and 3:9; Acts of the Apostles 2:36-47; "faith vs works" distraction; what the true context was according to Church Fathers and still is to this day
9:32 Deception of INVERSION; Apoc of St John 2:9 and 3:9 reading and focus on the rich; Gospel of St John Ch 8 - Jesus vs fake Jews; fornication; porn industry
13:23 Three fathers; Jesus "ENTERS THEIR ILLUSION"; Jesus is brilliant, smart, cunning, uses his brain; faith vs works -- "do penance" in the Bible
14:36 Once you see what all of this actually points to, you cannot unsee it; it saturates ALL of Scripture; contextualized in the WHOLE Bible--including GENESIS 12:2-3, which so many Christian Zionists and pastors use
15:21 People are waking up to all of this deception; Rothschild name; PornHub; the personal = the Biblical
16:30 Christ's words echo back to us concerning the geopolitical stage; old newspaper clippings; Jews vs "Jews"; think about all the Scripture I've read to you today
16:56 I cannot write or produce everything I want to; I've started just "dumping" research into an "article" to allow the reader room to work on their own
18:16 Twitter/X thread "Rothschild Thread"; follow the money all the way back to 1743
19:40 Vatican/Rothschild connection; Marian apparitions and warnings that followed; has the Catholic Church been infiltrated too, in order to destroy her from within?
20:59 How dots of evidence point to a "missing planet" scenario like in 'Star Wars: Attack of the Clones'
21:31 Re-emphasis on one important point about research; Rothschild family keeps popping up; hashtag "Rothschild" on X
22:34 Closing; as always, what you should do if you dive into this

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