#594 - You Must Understand How Porn Affects the Brain | The 10 Half-Truths Series

6 months ago

In recent years, many have claimed that brain science is giving us cutting edge insights into the nature of porn addiction—and how to help addicts. But is understanding how porn affects the brain really one of the secrets to getting free, or just another half-truth that keeps many locked in their addiction? 🧐 Plus, we'll talk with Steve Gallagher about why he determined not to use the principles of psychotherapy at Pure Life Ministries. ✝️
Check out more episodes of the Pure Life Ministries Podcast: 👀
➡️ https://rumble.com/playlists/Bkbz1jRNHdM
Order a copy of the 20 Truths Study Journal to help you overcome porn addiction. 📖
➡️ https://store.purelifeministries.org/product/20-truths-that-helped-me-in-my-battle-with-porn-addiction/
Check out our flagship resource by Pastor Steve Gallagher, “At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry”: 📕
➡️ https://store.purelifeministries.org/product/at-the-altar-of-sexual-idolatry/
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➡️ https://www.purelifeministries.org/
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