Day 9 Breakfast Smoothie Challenge:

6 months ago

Day 9 Breakfast Smoothie Challenge: Healing the temple takes healing the mind

Day 9: Breakfast Smoothie Challenge

Healing the temple takes healing the mind🔑

Meaning: YOU have to be in charge of redirecting YOUR thoughts,

and also be in charge of flushing out the intruders🪱 in the gut to fully heal the mind, does that make sense?

EVERYTHING is connected...

Mind. Gut. Heart...

Anyways, my worldly programming,

programmed me to focus on what was not going well vs. being thankful for what is going well...

how about you?

Our Morning Routine Reset is a morning fast utilizing YAH's remedy to fuel the temple properly, properly rest0re it, and flushout the t0xic build up fueling the 🪱 in the organs

and the other part of our Morning Routine Reset protocol

focuses on adopting healthier habits for eternal blessings in the morning 🙌🏼

1️⃣Cultivating a mindset of 🔥thanksgiving 🔥

Family, this is like building a muscle 💪- it takes time to rewire the brain and build that muscle of thanksgiving

A thankful #mindset starts the day YAHsome....and on the right track

other things we recommend in our protocol in the 🌄

2️⃣breathing - connecting to our ruach and allowing oxygen to flow

3️⃣eating our daily bread: The Word aka The Bible

"My heart is stricken and withered like grass, For I have forgotten to eat my bread."Tehillim (Psalms) 102:4

👆lack of those causes diseases...and as you see, people were destroyed in the wilderness for complaining/grumbling/murmuring

"neither grumble, as some of them also grumbled, and were destroyed by the destroyer."Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 10:10

#thanksgiving #gratitude #thankfulness is literally h=aling our soul, ruach, temple, face and bones (more on this and how, Father-willing, soon!)

the opposite of that destr0ys us.

Our Morning Routine Reset protocol removes stressors off the temple/mind in the morning for healing; as I keep telling cannot keep stressing the temple/mind and expect different results...

Starting the day stressed or in a state of healing aka relaxation....which one do you think would yield better results?

I tried the stressed out living with #PTSD for 30 doesn't work longterm...maybe short term...longterm something worse might happen...

The Tongue holds the power of l¡fe and death...Take every word/thought captive.

"For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is righteous, whatever is clean, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any uprightness and if there is any praise – think on these."Pilipiyim (Philippians) 4:8

The Word is The TRUTH!

All praise and esteem toThe Most High.

I love you!



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