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DIVINE MOTHER EARTH TIME #45: SUPER SOLDIER PENNY BRADLEY: HER BIGGEST MISSION. At a very young age, PENNY BRADLEY was sent to Mars, yes Mars, where she was turned over to the Germans. Yes, there are Germans on Mars. Yes, there are humans on Mars. And yes, Ziggy Stardust, Penny even tells us there are spiders on Mars. While on Mars, Penny became a Navigator on a German Nacht Waffen ship, and she made 91 trips, some lasting 55-60 years each. But what was Penny’s biggest mission? Why does she risk her life on the daily to expose the truth? She sits with Laura and Marisa and tells all. She even tells us who the puppermasters who control the puppets on Earth are. Do not miss this extremely riveting episode with the OG, Penny Bradley!

DIVINE MOTHER EARTH TIME #45: SUPER SOLDIER PENNY BRADLEY: HER BIGGEST MISSION—Penny Bradley’s knowledge of outer space and what is really going on here on earth is as vast as well, outer space. Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but she does know what’s up, and then some! SAs a Navigator on a German Yacht Waffen ship, Penny made 91 trips, some lasting 55-60 year each. But what was Penny’s biggest mission? She sits with Laura and Marisa and tells all. Penny made 91 trips, some lasting 55-60 year each. But what was Penny’s biggest mission? Do not miss the OG, Penny Bradley!

DIVINE MOTHER EARTH TIME #45: SUPER SOLDIER PENNY BRADLEY: HER BIGGEST MISSION—Penny Bradley’s knowledge of outer space and what is really going on here on earth is as vast as well, outer space. Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but she does know what’s up, and then some! SAs a Navigator on a German Yacht Waffen ship, Penny made 91 trips, some lasting 55-60 year each. But what was Penny’s biggest mission? She sits with Laura and Marisa and tells all. Penny made 91 trips, some lasting 55-60 year each. But what was Penny’s biggest mission? Do not miss the OG, Penny Bradley!

ABOUT PENNY:Penny Bradley was DNA modified in 1955, first abduction she remembers was in 1959 at age 4. Spent 5 years at Langley AF Base in Virginia with a 6 month side trip to Montauk's Camp Hero. Used the Long Island, NY jumpgate to go to Mars where she was turned over to the Germans. Spent 25 years as part of the German Martian Militia and 25 years as a Navigator on a ship in Nacht Waffen. This was the first of many such abductions. When she was returned to 1959, she had been mind wiped and didn't know her family. There have been more than 91 trips lasting 55-60 years each.

TO CONTACT PENNY: https://www.spaceportals.net
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