Tabula Rasa vs Innate Knowledge: The Ultimate Philosophical Showdown

26 days ago

Explore the epic debate between Tabula Rasa and theories of innate knowledge in our latest video! 🤔✨

Are we born as blank slates, shaped entirely by our experiences, or do we come with built-in knowledge? Discover the insights of:

🔍 John Locke: Tabula Rasa and the idea that we start as blank slates. 💭 René Descartes: The belief in innate ideas and inborn knowledge. 🧠 Immanuel Kant: Innate mental structures shaping our understanding. 🎓 John B. Watson: Behaviorism’s take on learning from the environment.

We’ll delve into historical contexts, key arguments, and real-world impacts. Challenge your thinking and dive deep into what shapes our minds!

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