Lets go about our day praising and thanking God for giving us the power of the Holy Spirit.

5 months ago

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. - 2 Corinthians 10:5 📖🌱

Lets go about our day praising and thanking God for giving us the power of the Holy Spirit. It's good for us to be aware of our attitude and thoughts. Lets remember the victory and power we have in Jesus, being bold and courageous and in Jesus name, saying no to those evil thoughts.We get to tell those problems about how BIG AND STRONG OUR GOD IS, proclaiming victory and FREEDOM!!! in the mighty name of JESUS!!! AMEN!! 💪🏽

#2Corinthians105 #VictoryInJesus #HolySpiritPower #FaithOverFear #BoldInChrist #MindsetOfChrist #ChristianLiving #SpiritualWarfare #ProclaimVictory #FreedomInChrist #GodIsStrong #PowerOfPrayer #JesusSaves #FaithJourney #PraiseGod #ChristianEncouragement #TrustInGod #OvercomeEvil #WalkInVictory #GodIsBigger

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