5g and Digital ID Australian update

3 months ago

The Australian government seems to be pushing their weight around crushing us citizens to the ground, With the 5G Towers over head, I'm pretty sure the government wants us dead, with untested devices going against expert advices, this happened while we were unaware without our consent how can we say our government cares,

Like my poem lol, But seriously guys Bill Shorten is pushing the digital ID and I know he says it's for safety reasons but we've been hacked a lot lately so I don't like having all my Personal information in one spot,

Also Bec Freedom Having a bit of a say about women's safe space apps and there's this one trans person and I mean that loosely he/she/them/?&4!7#! invaded that safe space and is suing the woman that owns the app and crying victim about WTF, so it's got me a bit upset so I added Becfreedom's say on it Sorry for the swearing,

We all have to be strong to lift others up to get through these hard times so stay healthy talk to others If there's an issue, don't be divided stay united that's how we win Rockstars.

Becfreedom rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BecFreedom

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