Calley and Casey Means on poisonous pesticides

5 months ago

Dr. Casey Means: "Ostensibly these chemicals are being used, 6 billion pounds globally per year because of pest control. They're also being used on our children's parks and golf courses and all over the place. They're invisible, they're tasteless and they're directly toxic to our cellular biology.
So they're pesticides...they are so toxic that 20% of all suicides globally are performed by drinking pesticides. And yet we're told by our government they're totally safe.
The largest merger ever done in Germany was Bayer Monsanto, where Bayer which is a pharmaceutical company merged with Monsanto, which is an agrochemical company in the United States. If you look at what Bayer makes, they make cancer drugs for things like non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. If you look at what Monsanto makes, which is Roundup, which is the most widely used pesticide in America, the cancer that is causes is non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. They paid out $11 billion in the past couple years for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases. So the companies are merging that are directly known to cause the disease with a medical company that has a treatment for the disease. This is very very dark. It's kind of this revolving door between create the illness, treat the illness and hide the science hat tells us what's happening."

Calley Means: "This is all result of the food industry wanting food cheaper. And we spend per capita half as much on food as they do in Europe, but we spend 3 times much per capita on healthcare. This is not free market on work. This is food companies lobbying to have neurotoxins and endocrine disrupting chemicals on our food that they're toxic, that aren't allowed on any other food in any other developed country in order to make food a lot cheaper.
What do these chemicals do? It increases estrogen and these kids are inhaling hormone disrupting chemicals. The New York Times had a front page article that puberty rates, particularly among women in the United States are plummeting. People are hitting puberty younger."

Dr. Casey Means: "The average girl in America is hitting puberty, which is sexual maturity 6 years earlier than they were in 1900. We have the earliest puberty rates of any continent in the world. It's age 10 and 10 to 13. And this is in large part thought to do because we are literally giving children estrogen with all the plastics we're ingesting, which are xenoestrogens, meaning they are exogenous artificial estrogens and the pesticides which can activate the estrogen receptors like Atrazine.
You can put Atrazine, which is a pesticide that we spray about 70 million pounds of in the US, every year, it's not legal in Europe, but it's sold to us from international countries and you put this on a developing male frog embryo and it turns into a female frog. (Alex Jones was right) That's how much of an endocrine disrupting chemical that it is.
These chemicals are not inert and again because we can cherry pick science, these papers are PR papers paid for by industry. The Monsanto papers was a huge thing that revelation, they had to declassify these documents that Monsanto had basically ghost written scientific papers to say that these chemicals are safe."

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