Forgiving Myself

6 months ago

Perhaps you’re right there with me. Perhaps you’re on the other side. One flap of a Butterfly wing and we get to dance as One.

Come and sit on a rock by the river. Let go of all that no longer serves you. My prayer is that as each of us enter through this ceremony we are blessed with the joy of forgiveness.

You might like to have a glass of water handy or you might like to light a candle to support your mind, body and heart in letting go. No problem if not.

I call god Sophia, Source, Budda or Christ Conciousness, Great Spirit. You will hear me refer to All That Is interchangbly in this song. Please know all names of God are welcome here. There’s no right or wrong. Just the call of a kookaburra 🪶

Within a heart-beat.
Raya El 🚪🐾🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟✨🌉🦋

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